College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Catalog 2016

236 other states to follow established agendas. Achieving National Security Policy objectives frequently involves the integrative use of sanctions, embargoes, boycotts, dumping, freezing of assets, strategic materials policies, tariffs, as well as opening of markets, foreign investments, partnerships, and other developmental activities. Economic Statecraft is seen as a peaceful strategy to force countries to negotiate and then build their economy for strategic alignment. NSAM 6110 – Public Policy and Strategic Planning This course focuses on the theories and the analysis of public policy including the design, implementation and evaluation of legislation on the local, state, national and international levels. It includes current policy issue analysis emphasis with an emphasis on the role of public policy and strategic planning. NSAM 6130 - Practicum I: Supervised Field Experience This course is a field research project that incorporates classroom knowledge and real-world settings. Students will demonstrate their ability to apply theory to practice and analyze situations utilizing knowledge from previous course work. Offered Fall and Summer terms. NSAM 6160 – Practicum II: Supervised Field Experience This course is a field research project that incorporates classroom knowledge and real world settings. Students will demonstrate their ability to apply theory to practice and analyze situations utilizing knowledge from previous course work. This is a continuation of NSAM 6130. Prerequisite: NSAM 6130. Offered Fall and Winter terms. NSAM 6170 - Violence Prevention This course examines various theories of human aggression and violence, exploring their underlying assumptions about human nature and the causes of violence. Also included is an introduction to a range of violence intervention and prevention approaches developed for use at the interpersonal, intergroup, and societal level. NSAM 6600 – International Conflict Resolution This course reviews international conflict resolution in many settings and includes informal mediation by private interveners and scholar practitioners; formal mediation by individual, regional, transnational, and international organizations; and mediation within small and large states. NSAM 6603 Special Topics in NSA III This course continues to deepen students’ understanding of a range of topics related to the content areas of existing NSA concentration tracks to give NSA students the opportunity to continue to add further depth to their academic experience. Selected course topics may include special topics in the security studies, terrorism and counter-terrorism, intelligence, military and borders, critical issues, research in national security, and strategic planning. NSAM 6604 Special Topics in NSA IV This course continues to deepen students’ understanding of a range of topics related to the content areas of existing NSA concentration tracks to give NSA students the opportunity to continue to add further depth to their academic experience. Selected course topics may include special topics in the security studies, terrorism and counter-terrorism, intelligence, military and borders, critical issues, research in national security, and strategic planning. NSAM 6607 - Ethonopolitical and Community-Based Conflicts This course introduces the major methods used by states, international organizations, and conflict resolution practitioners to eliminate, manage, and resolve ethnic and community-based conflicts. Case studies are used to explain conflict escalation and de-escalation, and mechanisms of conflict intervention. NSAM 6610 - Family Violence: The Effects on Families, Communities and Workplaces This course explores the overall effects of trauma and violence on individuals, families, communities, and the workplace. Issues of abuse, violence, and systemic responses are explored in relation to their effect on individual behavior, family dynamics, service provision, and community systems. Methods for identifying such issues in the context of family mediation and other types of conflict intervention are explored. NSAM 6611 – Race and Ethnic Relations in America The course examines the social constructionist approach toward the study of racial and ethnic conflict and analysis in the U.S. It is designed to assist students in increasing their ability to analyze racial issues from a historical to a contemporary perspective and to explore some of the basic theoretical paradigms that have been used to conceptualize the idea of race and ethnicity from the 19th Century to the present in the U.S. The course will also explore the affects of contemporary policies in addressing racial and ethnic inequities and strategies used to combat racism. Offered occasionally. NSAM 6616 – Trauma and Violence Global Perspective This course will look at issues of war, regional violence, torture, forced relocation, ethnic cleansing, rape and other issues related to regional conflict, and then focus on conflict intervention models. Relief and assistance programs from humanitarian relief, the Red Cross, UN programs, Quaker NGO's, Christian relief efforts, and others will be examined with a focus on trauma intervention as a conflict resolution career option. Discussion will center on how conflict specialists can connect, work with, and influence humanitarian aid efforts, capacity building, democratization efforts, and conflict transformation projects.