College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Catalog 2016

19 New Student Orientation On-campus students receive a one-day orientation at the beginning of the fall term. At that time, students meet the faculty, talk with their program administrators, attend computer workshops, library training, and participate in various student activities. New student orientation is intended to provide information, answer questions, and welcome students to the CAHSS learning community. Much of the information presented at orientation is available on the college’s website. Distance students in the Department of Conflict Resolution Studies attend sessions at the fall Residential Institute that covers this information. Department of Justice and Human Services online graduate students receive an email containing all of the necessary orientation information upon admission to their respective program and are invited to participate in a synchronous orientation, facilitated by faculty and staff members, a week prior to the start of each term. For information on new incoming Undergraduate students, please go to: Textbooks Barnes & Noble College Bookstores, the university’s official bookstore, offers comprehensive services to local and online students. While students have the option to purchase textbooks from other online and local sources, there may be benefits from purchasing from the university’s bookstore (on-campus or online). The university’s bookstore provides a wide range of shipping options; to access the NSU Bookstore website please visit: 5&catalogId=10001&langId=-1 Registration Students will participate in course selection via SharkLink/WebStar prior to the start of each term. General registration procedures and information are provided to students at the time of entrance to the program. It is the students’ responsibility to register for their courses by logging onto the official Nova Southeastern University (NSU) SharkLink portal which can be found under “Quick Links” on the University homepage or the CAHSS website: After students have registered, should any problems arise related to registration information or credit fees, students should contact their Program administrators. Failure to Register Students who fail to register for a regular semester without an approved leave of absence are considered to have withdrawn from their program. Such students must make formal application and go through the admissions process if they wish to reenter the program at a later date. A BOUT O UR A CADEMIC P OLICIES Attendance Attendance is required for all courses to meet the educational requirements of the program. Two unexcused absences during a classroom course will result in an automatic grade of F for the course. More than two unexcused absences during a practicum shall lead to a failure for the course. Grades of A or B are considered acceptable for graduate-level