College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Catalog 2016

18 Time Limits Masters Programs : Students must complete their program within five years from the date of first enrollment. This means that students are expected to graduate with the Master degree within this time period. Doctoral Program : Students must complete their program within seven years from the date of first enrollment. This means that students are expected to graduate with the Doctoral degree within this time period. In order to remain an active and matriculated student, registration is required in every semester, until the completion of degree requirements unless a leave of absence has been granted. Failure to remain in continuous registration will be deemed the student's formal withdrawal from the program. All other program, center, and university requirements will be in effect. Leave of Absence Matriculated students (degree candidates) who must interrupt their studies for an adequate reason such as illness may be granted a leave of absence. Students must apply in writing or by e-mail for a leave of absence to the program office three (3) weeks prior to the start of the new term. If granted, the leave shall be for a stated period of time, not to exceed one year. Time spent on an approved leave of absence is charged against the degree program time limit (5 years for master’s degree and 7 years for doctoral degree). Students who interrupt their studies without being on an approved leave of absence will be assumed to have terminated their studies. Such students must make formal application for readmission if they wish to continue the program at a later date. Forms can be located on the student’s resource page: . Auditing Classes Students wishing to audit a class may do so if there is space and with permission of the instructor and Department Chair. Students who are auditing a class may participate in class discussions, but will not be required to fulfill class requirements. Auditing students do not complete class assignments and do not receive academic credit for the class. An audit notation (AU) will appear on transcripts. Auditing fees equal 60% of the regular tuition cost of the course. Non-degree Seeking Students CAHSS accepts applications for non-degree seeking students from any person who possesses a bachelor’s degree or is waiting for their degree to be conferred from a regionally accredited university. Non-degree seeking students may take up to three classes (9 credits). These credits may transfer into a CAHSS degree programs. If a non-degree seeking students wishes to enter a degree program, s/he must formally apply to the program of interest. Graduate Minors CAHSS accepts applications for Graduate Minors from any NSU graduate student in good academic standing. Students applying for a graduate minor need only to submit a cover letter requesting admission to the graduate minor program. The graduate minor applicants should have a minimum GPA of 3.0 in their major graduate program. Please visit to download an application.