College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Catalog 2016

17 nonjudgmental attitudes and open-mindedness toward different types of people; and the ability to combine assessment skills with compassion and fairness. Criteria for acceptance into the M.S. and Graduate Certificate programs in Conflict Analysis and Resolution include high-level undergraduate academic performance and/or relevant current working experience; a life passion or practical interest in using skills and theories in specific settings after graduation; the ability to think clearly in challenging interactions; tolerant, nonjudgmental attitudes and open-mindedness toward different types of people; and the ability to combine assessment skills with compassion and fairness. Criteria for acceptance into the M.S. in Developmental Disabilities: Applicants must have a grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or higher in last 60 semester hours of undergraduate coursework or a master's degree with an overall GPA of 3.0 or better; a personal statement of approximately 300 words; two letters of recommendation; and an interview conducted via telephone. The GRE is not required but may be submitted for additional consideration. Criteria for acceptance into the M.S. in Family Therapy include a major emphasis on applicants who are familiar with and interested in learning systemic theories and therapies. They also attend to applicants’ comfort with cultural and ethnic diversity and their ability to connect with people in crisis. Applicants who demonstrate significant ability to listen to others, engage in conversation, and learn from dialogue will be best prepared for admission. The admissions essay must include specific citations of family therapy literature to provide a rationale for the applicant’s decision to pursue a career in marriage and family therapy. Criteria for acceptance into the M.S. and Graduate Certificate programs in National Security Affairs include a solid undergraduate academic performance; relevant current work experience or demonstrated interest in the field; the ability to think clearly in challenging interactions and analyze seemingly disconnected information; and open- mindedness toward different types of people and perspectives. Student Enrollment In order to maintain an active student status, all students are to be in continuous registration until they receive their degree unless prior approval is received from the Program Office. Failure to remain in continuous registration will be considered formal withdrawal from the program. Full-Time Status Students are considered to be full-time if they complete six credit hours each semester. Ph.D. students are recommended to follow the “Course of Study/degree Plan.” A student on financial aid considering completing less than the scheduled credit hours in any given semester/term should discuss this with the Financial Aid Office prior to the time of registration. Attendance Students are required to attend all scheduled learning activities, which include but are not limited to, lectures, chats, seminars, and exams. It is the policy of the university to excuse, without penalty, absences due to religious observances and to allow students to make up missed work. Course instructors should be notified in advance in the case of any anticipated absence. Excessive absences may result in a lower grade at the discretion of the course instructor. Students should review the course syllabus for course-specific policies related to attendance.