College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Catalog 2016

213 understand mitigation/prevention, preparedness, response, and recovery measures with regards to counterterrorism and antiterrorism. Individual (lone wolf) and group (Islamist) terrorist mindsets will be examined, as well as international and domestic domains. Offered Fall and Summer terms. MACS 5003 – National Intelligence Collection This course examines the work of current and future managers in the federal intelligence and homeland security arenas. Students will be introduced to the various ways in which the social and behavioral sciences inform approaches to intelligence collection and analysis and how these scientific approaches can facilitate the goals of countering terrorism and hostile intelligence service actions. Specifically, the emerging field of “Futuristics” will be explored in this context so that managers can forecast, manage and create preferable future outcomes for their agencies and the nation. Offered Winter and Summer terms. MACS 5004 – Border Protection and Military Issues This course is an in-depth analysis of the importance and the difficulties in security measures and tactics used to protect a sovereign nation’s borders. Border protection is an essential part of National Security. The threats to domestic populations include drug-smuggling, terrorism, human and arms trafficking, and illegal immigration. Theoretical and applied case studies will facilitate student engagement. The course will serve as an introduction to the theories and applied practices of successful border protection. Offered Fall and Winter terms. MACS 5005 - Research and Evaluation in National Security Affairs This course provides an in-depth introduction to the fundamental logic and principles of research design, with additional focus areas in critical thinking and analysis. Students will gain familiarity with key concepts in the philosophy of science and current debates over appropriate methods of data collection and analysis of the social sciences. Students will learn the differences between quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-methods research; from here the student will be introduced to the foundations of these approaches and learn what strategies, methods, and techniques are in use. Students will then be expected to formulate a research question, develop a set of hypotheses, develop a strategy for data collection, develop a literature review, and finally to formulate ways to operationalize their study. Offered Fall and Summer terms. MACS 5006 - Assessment of Credibility- Theory and Implications Students will explore a broad range of contemporary thought, discussion, and scientific research, relevant to the assessment of credibility with the goal of developing a base of knowledge for the assessment of statements made by, or on behalf of, individuals, groups, political parties, and government, both domestic and foreign. Topics that will be explored include, but are not limited to, the "making and unmaking of ignorance", defining what constitutes a "lie", the ubiquitous nature of lying, the many reasons for lying, and how lying is used in varying contexts by individuals, business, and government. Offered Fall term. MACS 5008 - Credibility Assessment: Methods and Implications This is the second course in the realm of credibility assessment. Students will explore a broad range of issues, thought, discussion, and scientific research, relevant to the actual assessment of credibility using various contemporary methods. Topics that will be explored include, but are not limited to; defining what constitutes a "lie," the ubiquitous nature of lying, nonverbal and verbal cues to deception, non-instrumental forms of lie detection, and instrumental forms of lie detection. Offered Winter term. MACS 5009 – US Relations with Latin America This course focuses on strategic analysis while examining historical relations between the United States and Latin America. The material is presented in three segments; strategic analysis, historical relations, and current issues impacting US relations with the southern hemisphere. The course will enhance knowledge and understanding of the history of US-Latin American relations and the application of strategic analysis to those relations. The course will emphasize the strategic importance of Latin America to long term stability in the US. Offered occasionally. MACS 5020 Conflict and Peace Theories and Philosophies of Conflict and Peace: This course is designed as a survey course on contemporary theories of conflict and conflict resolution. Students will examine a variety of theories that center primarily on the fields of history, economics, sociology, social psychology, anthropology, political science, and social relations. For S1 students only. MACS 5030 – Interdisciplinary Theories and Perspectives This course starts by exploring the theories and the theoretical frameworks found in academic disciplines and their importance to interdisciplinarity. The differences between disciplinary, multidisciplinary, transdisciplinary, and interdisciplinary perspectives will be examined and critiqued. Case studies and current issues will be critiqued using interdisciplinary approaches. ` MACS 5032 - Aquatic Invasions Outbreaks and Diseases Aquatic, coastal and marine ecosystems can be exposed to a number of biological stressors and disturbances such as (i) invasive species (e.g. lionfish, Asian carp, zebra mussels), (ii) outbreaks (e.g. crown- of-thorns starfish, mat tunicates), and (iii) diseases (e.g. Eelgrass wasting disease, Fibropapilloma in sea turtles), and (iv) mass mortality events (e.g. Diadema