College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Catalog 2016

207 Provides an introduction to the health disparities experienced by individuals with developmental disabilities. This course will cover the Declaration on Health Parity for Persons with Disabilities issued by the American Association of Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AIDD). Challenges faced by individuals with disabilities in access to appropriate medical, dental, and mental health services will be discussed as well as the importance of health promotion for those with developmental disabilities. The significance of attention to inclusion of the impact of developmental disability upon individuals, families, schools, and other organizations and agencies in the education of health professionals will be addressed. (3 credits) Prerequisites: HSDD 5000, HSDD 5100 HSDD 5410: Early Identification and Assessment of Developmental Disabilities This course will provide students with the opportunity to obtain knowledge of the assessment, evaluation, and diagnostic skills of young children with developmental disabilities from an interdisciplinary perspective. Risk factors and early warning signs of atypical development will be reviewed. Students will be exposed to commonly used assessments to identify developmental delays in various fields and will be exposed to different diagnostic approaches such as the DSM-IV, ICD-10, and Zero to Three. (3 credits) Prerequisites: HSDD 5000, HSDD 5100 HSDD 5420: Early Intervention in Developmental Disabilities This course helps students apply their knowledge of challenging behaviors such as aggression, self-injury, tantrums, etc. and of different modalities of intervention typically applied with individuals with developmental disabilities such as developmental (speech, physical, occupational), behavioral [Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA), Relationship Development Intervention (RDI), and Floortime], and educational supports through case analysis and discussion. Factors that contribute to treatment success will be addressed. (3 credits) HSDD 5430: Integrating Children with Disabilities in Educational Settings This course will focus on historical approaches to the education of children with disabilities. It will address current models utilized in educational settings such as inclusion, mainstreaming, and self-contained classrooms. Supports that can be provided to children with developmental disabilities to promote successful educational outcomes will be assessed. The common approaches to providing supports including individualized education plans, frequency assessments of behavior, behavioral intervention plans, and the role that they each play in the educational systemwill be critiqued. HSDD 5500: Disability Services Administration The application of management and leadership theory and research in non- profit and public agencies will be addressed. This course will focus on strategic planning, employee motivation, recruitment, retention, fiscal management, long-term planning, board development and succession planning. In addition, effective communication skills will be addressed and strengthened through interactive exercises with feedback. (3 credits) HSDD 5510 Foun in Chld Lfe & Fam-Cen Cre This course will provide an introduction to the spectrum of child life practice in direct and non-direct services in pediatric health care including a historical review of the profession and its development in the evolution of children’s healthcare. Students will develop an understanding and affirmation of the values of supporting individual development, family-centered care, therapeutic relationship and developmentally appropriate communication. Additionally, students will learn to represent and communicate child life practice and psychosocial issues of infants, children, youth and families. This course will provide students with the knowledge and effective strategies to assess and support healthy interactions between families and outside institutions. Continuous engagement in self-reflective professional child life practice will also be a focus of this course. HSDD 5520 Chld & Adols Grwth and Develop This course will examine issues in human development that are especially relevant to infants, children and adolescents. It is designed to present theory, research and evidence-based practice concerning the physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development of children. Typical versus atypical developmental progress, as well as factors that threaten to impede typical development will be addressed. This course will also emphasize cultural competence when working with children and families in a collaborative context. HSDD 5530 Interventions in Child Life This course will introduce students to theories and intervention techniques that help children and families cope with stress from hospitalization or other life events that disrupt normal development. Strategies to assist with issues such as pain management; adjustment to chronic illness and long-term hospitalization; and adherence to medication management and routine medical care will be covered. Students will learn to assess and implement developmentally appropriate interventions, based on empirical data, to create individualized treatment plans in collaboration with the treatment team. The central role of play therapy in child life services will be emphasized, along with the provision of a safe, therapeutic and healing environment. (Prerequisite: HSDD 5510) HSDD 5540 Professional Issues in Child Life This course will provide students with training necessary to identify and manage