College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Catalog 2016

206 to infants, children and adolescents. It is designed to present theory, research and evidence-based practice concerning the physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development of children. Typical versus atypical developmental progress, as well as factors that threaten to impede typical development will be addressed. This course will also emphasize cultural competence when working with children and families in a collaborative context. (3 credits) HSDD 5230: Interventions in Child Life This course will introduce students to theories and intervention techniques that help children and families cope with stress from hospitalization or other life events that disrupt normal development. Strategies to assist with issues such as pain management; adjustment to chronic illness and long-term hospitalization; and adherence to medication management and routine medical care will be covered. Students will learn to assess and implement developmentally appropriate interventions, based on empirical data, to create individualized treatment plans in collaboration with the treatment team. The central role of play therapy in child life services will be emphasized, along with the provision of a safe, therapeutic and healing environment. (Prerequisite: HSDD 5210) (3 credits) HSDD 5240: Professional Issues in Child Life This course will provide students with training necessary to identify and manage ethical and professional issues within an interdisciplinary approach in clinical and research settings. It will emphasize knowledge and understanding of the official documents of the Child Life Council (CLC) including the Code of Ethical Responsibility, Child Life Competencies and Standards of Clinical Practice, the child life mission, values and vision statements, and the Code of Professional Practice. Students will also develop the ability to evaluate child life services and make recommendations for program improvement. As part of this course, teaching and supervision of students and volunteers will be addressed. (Prerequisite: HSDD 5210) (3 credits) HSDD 5250: Child Life Practicum I Students will be required to successfully complete a specified number hours of child life clinical experience under the direct supervision of a Certified Child Life Specialist who meets specific qualifications at an approved setting. During that time, the students will be expected to increase their competence in the areas of basic interviewing, assessment, and intervention skills. Furthermore, integration of ethical, legal, and professional issues inherent in child life service delivery will be addressed. Best practice and conflict resolution issues will also be incorporated. (Prerequisite: HSDD 5210, HSDD 5230) (3 credits) HSDD 5260: Child Life Practicum II Students will be required to successfully complete a specified number hours of child life clinical experience under the direct supervision of a Certified Child Life Specialist who meets specific qualifications at an approved setting. During that time, the students will be expected to increase their competence in the areas of basic interviewing, assessment, and intervention skills. Furthermore, integration of ethical, legal, and professional issues inherent in child life service delivery will be addressed. Best practice and conflict resolution issues will also be incorporated. (Prerequisite: HSDD 5210, HSDD 5230, HSDD 5250) (3 credits) HSDD 5300: Legal and Ethical Issues in Disability This course discusses current laws related to disabilities such as ADA and IDEA as well as contemporary issues affecting the lives of individuals with disabilities and the daily responsibilities of disability professionals. This course further examines the application of ethical principles to matters associated with genetics, treatment decisions, and competency. (3 credits) HSDD 5310: Aging and Disability Across the Lifespan This course will provide an interdisciplinary focus on aging and disability from different theoretical perspectives. The dynamics of aging across the lifespan will be addressed and specific challenges faced by young adults, middle age individuals, and older adults with developmental disabilities will be reviewed. Students will be able to apply knowledge obtained to specialized population and be able to assume leadership roles and engage in support efforts for these individuals as demonstrated through paper and presentations. (3 credits) HSDD 5320: Students with Disabilities in Higher Education Examines the experience of students with developmental disabilities in higher education and crucial components related to their full participation in college life. Knowledge of demographic trends of students with developmental disabilities in higher education, awareness of important transition issues of students from K-12 to postsecondary education, strategies for increasing retention, and understanding the different types of accommodations typically required of students with developmental disabilities will be covered. (3 credits) HSDD 5330: Employment and Independent Living This course provides an analysis of the integration of individuals with developmental disabilities into the community and within institutions. Challenges faced by individuals with developmental disabilities in obtaining and maintaining employment and independent living will be addressed as well as strategies for promoting successful community integration. HSDD 5400: Healthcare Issues in Developmental Disabilities