College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Catalog 2016

200 techniques, setting treatment goals and resources in the community. HCP 6260 Cultural Factors in Tx Associated w/ Substance Abuse Issues & the CJ System (3 Credits) This course will introduce students to cultural and racial identity development. The impact that class, race, ethnicity and sexual orientation have on disposition, sentencing and the correctional process, culturally specific treatment techniques, racial and sexual dynamics in institutional settings and in community programs, including knowledge of cross-cultural interviewing skills. HCP 6310 Human Factors (3 Credits) This course presents communication theories relevant to conflict resolution as well as theories about understanding, analyzing, and managing conflict. The course focuses on the human and emotional aspects of conflict, and includes the influence of gender and culture. This course is pragmatic as well as theoretical, and presents communication and conflict resolution models in a practice-based approach. HCP 6320 Introduction to Systems Theories (3 Credits) This course provides and overview of theories that use metaphors of system, pattern, interaction, and communication to describe human behavior and relationships. Students will also study of the emergence of theories from cybernetics to language studies. HCP 6330 Mediation Theory and Practice (3 Credits) This course examines theories, methods, and techniques of mediation. Students will have the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge of mediation skills. (Prerequisite required: HCP 6310) (***THIS COURSE REQUIRES STUDENTS TO PHYSICALLY ATTEND THE MAIN NSU CAMPUS TO ATTEND THE "RESIDENTIAL INSTITUTE" (RI)***) HCP 6340 Diversity in Human and Family Development (3 Credits) Reviews human development in the context of family transitions such as childbirth, childhood, adolescence, courtship, marriage, maturity, old age, and death. Focuses on the diversity of psychosocial development across ethnicity, class, gender, and culture. Discussion of implications for interactional therapies. HCP 6350 Conflict and Crisis Management Theory and Practice (3 Credits) This course is an overview of the theories of conflict and crisis management and the intervention models and protocols used. Conflict and crisis management will be explored among and between individuals and groups, organizations, communities, and governments around the globe. Topics will include the management of violent conflicts, such as kidnapping, hostage-barricade and terrorist acts, homeland security, and the response to natural disasters. There will be interactive exercises as well as a case study approach used. HCP 6360 Critical Incidents (3 Credits) This course will provide an in-depth analysis and understanding of inter-group and intra-group dynamics associated with the organizational response to critical incidents such as hostage/barricade management, terrorism, kidnapping, natural or other disasters, and tactical operations, which comprise the negotiations team, the government, organizations, and the community. HCP 6370 Family Violence: The Effects on Families, Communities and Workplaces (3 Credits) This course explores the overall effects of trauma and violence on individuals, families, communities, and the workplace. Issues of abuse, violence, and systemic responses are explored in relation to their effect on individual behavior, family dynamics, service provision, and community systems. Methods for identifying such issues in the context of family mediation and other types of conflict intervention are explored. HCP 6410 Family Law (3 Credits) This course covers the law regarding the family relationship - including the rights and responsibilities of parents, spouses, grandparents, and children - and the creation and dissolution of the family. Topics include adoption, spouse and child abuse, alimony, property distribution, child support, and child custody. HCP 6420 Children's Rights Seminar (3 Credits) Children have distinct rights recognizable at law even though they are considered to be incompetent minors as a matter of law. Even though their legal status is not equivalent to those of emancipated adults, children are entitled to specific legal protections in a variety of specific situations. To some extent they are entitled to similar constitutional protections of their adult counterparts. The course will also examine parental authority over minor children when there is disharmony between parent and child. HCP 6430 Juvenile (including Delinquency) Law (3 Credits) This is a course examining the juvenile justice system, focusing on issues of delinquency, dependency (abuse and neglect), and status offenses (non- criminal misbehavior). HCP 6440 Interviewing, Counseling, and Negotiating (3 Credits) ALSV Workshop examining and developing skills involved in investigating facts, interviewing and counseling clients, settling disputes, and negotiating transactions. Instructional techniques include readings, discussions, audiovisual presentations, and extensive participation in role-plays and simulations. Students also investigate doctrinal, procedural, and evidentiary issues in order to discharge