College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Catalog 2016

197 During a ten-week term, students will have the opportunity to observe various entities within a department of child protection or other child protection related field 40 hours per week. HCP 0607 Child Sexual Abuse Studying the effect child sexual abuse can have on children. Explore how sexual abuse is handled in the Child Protection System. Discuss effective therapeutic plans for the abused child. HCP 0608 Preventing Juvenile Delinquency The course will provide students with up- to-date research on prevention in the area of juvenile delinquency ---what programs exist, what works and what does not work based on research evidence. The course will address the history of the juvenile justice system focusing on the policies and programs undertaken currently as well as those of the past. Varying views on juvenile violence will be covered including the epidemic and the non epidemic views. Juvenile offender careers involving entry, continuation in and exit from these careers will be dealt with using developmental theories of delinquency. A review of effective and not so effective prevention programs will be presented. In the weekly discussions, the instructor will incorporate her research and administrative experience in the area of prevention and the challenges prevention presents as an alternative perspective within criminal justice. In addition to readings from the main text, the course will incorporate supplemental readings in the area of cost benefit analysis. It is partly due to the impact of cost benefit analyses that prevention as a policy approach has emerged as a hot-button issue. HCP 0609 Bullying Prevention This course focuses on information about all forms of bullying, including cyber bullying, and approaches that have been shown to be effective in preventing bullying. Participants will pursue best practices and research focusing on preventing bullying by: changing school climates, raising awareness about bullying and its many forms, developing strong social norms against bullying, increasing supervision and support, forming clear rules, policies and procedures and providing the training to identify, intervene and prevent bullying behaviors. HCP 0610 Child Protection and the Internet This course will provide students with information regarding technology- facilitated crimes against children, including child sexual abuse and exploitation. Students will gain an understanding of how computers, the internet, and emerging technologies are being utilized by perpetrators to seek out, solicit, and exploit children. Current legislation regarding the use of the internet to commit crimes against children will be discussed, including the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (2000). Additionally, criminal justice and social services response procedures for internet child sexual abuse and exploitation will be addressed, as well as specific roles and responsibilities of law enforcement, parents, health care professionals, teachers, child protection workers, case managers, and courts in the prevention, identification, reporting, investigation and prosecution of internet related offenses. HCP 0611 Child Poverty: Social &Cultural Perspectives This course will provide students with a comprehensive understanding of child poverty in the United States, including historical underpinnings, in addition to demographic, political, economic, and social contexts of child poverty in America. Students will gain knowledge of the experience of families and children in poverty, including homelessness, access to systems of care (i.e., medical, mental health care), and education. Policy and legislation enacted to address child poverty will be discussed, including Child Welfare, Public Housing, and Medicaid programs. Special emphasis will be placed on how poverty impacts child and family functioning, how it relates to child maltreatment, and the role of the child protection worker in working with impoverished families. HCP 0612 Thesis I (3 credits) Thesis will require 6 credits of course registration. These courses may fulfill 6 credits of elective requirement for the MHS: CP. The thesis will consist of two faculty members, approved by the Executive Associate Dean of the HSHJ. One member will be approved by the Executive Associate Dean to serve as Chair. The thesis will require a proposal defense and a final defense. All members of the thesis committee must unanimously approve both the proposal defense and the final defense. The thesis proposal will include the following written sections: A critical review of relevant literature, a statement of the research question (hypothesis), and a statement of methodology (including statistical analysis to be applied to the data collected). The final thesis will include the following written sections: The thesis proposal sections revised in final form, a statement of the results found, and a written discussion of the implications of the thesis findings. HCP 0613 Thesis II (3 credits) Thesis will require 6 credits of course registration. These courses may fulfill 6 credits of elective requirement for the MHS: CP. The thesis will consist of two faculty members, approved by the Executive Associate Dean of the HSHJ. One member will be approved by the Executive Associate Dean to serve as Chair. The thesis will require a proposal defense and a final defense. All members of the thesis committee must unanimously approve both the proposal defense and the final defense. The thesis proposal will include the following written sections: A critical review of relevant literature, a statement of the research question (hypothesis), and a statement of methodology (including statistical analysis to be applied to the data collected). The final thesis will include the following written sections: The thesis proposal sections revised in final form, a statement of the results found,