College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Catalog 2016

184 leadership in juvenile justice systems. Students will research a variety of topics, including institutional values and ethical decision making processes, punishment and treatment of the juvenile offender, criminal culpability, police handling of juveniles, the juvenile court, and juvenile corrections and rehabilitation. CJI 8330 Comparative Juvenile Justice Systems: (3 credits) Examines world crime and criminal justice surveys of the United Nations; analyzes the relationship between crime rates and differential juvenile justice systems, as well as socioeconomic development indicators. This course will cover an in- depth analysis of different approaches to law enforcement, juvenile-criminal procedure and juvenile law, and juvenile justice and corrections worldwide. CJI 8340 Advanced Juvenile Justice Policy: (3 credits) This course provides a comprehensive overview of the origin, philosophy and objectives of the juvenile justice system. An extensive and systematic analysis of juvenile justice policies and practices will be undertaken, especially those reflecting the philosophical shift toward offender accountability and public safety. Topics include an examination of Supreme Court decisions and legislative reforms related to the treatment, prevention and control of juvenile delinquents. CJI 8350 Advanced Study: Ideas, Issues and Practices in Juvenile Justice: (3 credits) This is a course that includes a menu of topics and issues in juvenile justice that students will select for further study, contingent upon faculty approval. Students are expected to synthesize and integrate the learning experiences in juvenile justice and to evaluate research and current topics relative to the field. Topics for consideration include but are not limited to: leadership perspectives on juvenile justice; the changing nature of juvenile justice in the United States; evolving models and practices; and self-care and burnout prevention strategies for juvenile justice practitioners. CJI 9000 Dissertation I: (3 credits) This course provides the student with an opportunity to examine the dissertation process. The course focuses on structure and design of a concept for PhD dissertation research that includes peer/collegial review and scholarly discourse leading to a draft of Chapter one of the proposal development. (Prerequisites: HSHJ 700-HSHJ 710). CJI 9001 Dissertation II (3 credits) This course provides the student with a continuation of the dissertation process. The course focuses on structure and design of PhD dissertation research that includes chairperson review and scholarly discourse leading to proposal development. (Prerequisites: HSHJ 700- 710 & HSHJ 9000). CJI 9002 Dissertation III (3 credits) This course provides the student with a continuation of the dissertation process. The course focuses on structure and design of PhD dissertation research that includes chairperson review and scholarly discourse leading to proposal development. (Prerequisites: HSHJ 700- HSHJ 710, HSHJ 9000 & HSHJ 9001). CJI 9003 Dissertation IV (3 credits) Students enroll in this course after enrolling in Dissertation I-III and before they receive final dissertation approval from their dissertation committee. CJI 9004 Continuing Services (0 credits) Students will be required to enroll in this course after the completion of Dissertation I-IV, each term, until the completion of their final dissertation defense. CJI 9005 Continuing Services Students may be required to enroll in this course after the completion of Dissertation I-IV, each term, until the completion of their final dissertation defense. CSPA – College Student Personnel Administration CSPA 5001 - The 21st Century College Student An examination is made of students in higher education to prepare professionals for the various groups they will serve. Focus is given to the ever-changing student clientele, its subgroups and cultures. Along with student development theories, student characteristics, attitudes, values and broad issues regarding their participation in the educational experience will be explored. CSPA 5002 - Current Issues and Trends in Higher Education Staying abreast of current issues and trends in higher education is critical to becoming a competent student affairs educator. This course is designed to expose students to a variety of current issues and trends in higher education that have a dramatic impact on the student affairs profession and on our work as student affairs educators. Strategies to address major issues will be discussed. CSPA 5003 - The College Student and the Law Increasingly the courts play a pivotal role in the lives of student affairs practitioners. From student judicial cases to Supreme Court decisions on activity fees, a broad- based understanding of the law related to higher education is essential. This course will examine the impact of the legal system on both public and private colleges and universities as well as explore model student codes of conduct. Offered summer. CSPA 5004 - Administration in College Student Affairs Work This course will examine attributes, skills and institutional conditions within student personnel work that impact effective administration. Some of the major areas