College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Catalog 2016

182 institution and the policies and practices involved in processing children and youth through the juvenile justice system. The course introduces students to the juvenile justice system as it explores the history, development, and evolution/progress of the way juveniles have been treated b our country's criminal justice systems. This course will focus on the response of law enforcement in the protection of children in trouble or in need of services. The formal and informal processing of youth involved in the juvenile justice system or community-based agencies will then be examined. Adapting an assessment instrument to ensure that all children are given due process protection, treatment, and delinquency prevention is reinforced. CJI 6930 Family Dynamics: Motivation, Support and Communication (3 credits) This course will examine the protective and risk factors associated with the developmental pathways internalized by youth through interaction with their family system. Emphasis will be given to child and youth development as it is affected by the family system, peer groups, schools and teachers, community and other social influences. In addition, the dynamics of traditional, non- traditional and culturally diverse family construction in contemporary society will be explored. Basic cause of crimes and the various social issues confronting children and their families will be explored. Students will look at the various layers of services available for families and how they connect in reducing risk factors associated with the children. CJI 6940 Victimology: Child Abuse and Exploited Children (3 credits) This course introduces students to the field of victimology and explores its conceptual boundaries, basic concepts and literature. The course will be delimited by the exploration of the topics: family violence, child abuse including neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse, and emotional and verbal abuse; and prevention, intervention and treatment issues associated with exploited children. CJI 6950 Safe Schools: Climate and Culture (3 credits) This course provides students with an overview of school safety and is intended to prepare students to develop or strengthen strategies, activities, and processes that will enhance the safety and wellbeing of students, staff, and community members. Emphasis will be placed on the interaction between stakeholders and the importance of building and sustaining community collaboration for the purpose of school safety. The importance of policies and procedures, legislative mandates, and current safe school standards will be explored. CJI 8110 Criminal Justice Organization and Management: (3 credits) Students will explore various organizational systems such as information and communication, policy, politics and accountability, power and influence, finance, budget and stewardship and decision-making and conflict resolution. Topics to be explored include the identification of innovative approaches currently being implemented or that may be required; “best practices” and “innovative excellence”, the application of change theory for new approaches, and the exploration of leadership initiatives and strategies CJI 8120 Criminal Justice Organizational Planning and Change: (3 credits) To be an organizational leader demands an understanding of the basic principles and practices underlying the management of large and diverse organizations. The contrast of management of stability and control with the management of chaos and instability suggests different techniques of leadership and management. Students will explore various organizational systems such as information and communication, policy, politics and accountability, power and influence, finance, budget and stewardship and decision-making and conflict resolution. Topics to be explored include the identification of innovative approaches currently being implemented or that may be required; “best practices” and “innovative excellence”, the application of change theory for new approaches, and the exploration of leadership initiatives and strategies. CJI 8130 Ethical Practices in Criminal Justice Leadership: (3 credits) This course explores the role of ethics in criminal justice service and policy. The course is designed to empower emerging leaders to be prepared for ethical issues and conflicts that are likely to arise in the field of criminal justice. Participants will explore various concepts, such as what ethics is, what morality is, how does morality and realism affect criminal justice policy decision makers, and in what practical situations have ethics become an issue in criminal justice. Students will have the opportunity to evaluate a variety of ethical conflicts in criminal justice, and the results of those implementations. CJI 8140 Current Trends and Issues in Criminal Justice Organizations: (3 credits) This course identifies and examines the current issues and trends influencing the roles, responsibilities, and management challenges in a criminal justice setting. The course explores contemporary political, managerial, and cultural issues impacting criminal justice organizations. The student will develop a critical understanding of contemporary issues in criminal justice leadership; identify and analyze the major trends impacting organizational function, processes, and accountability; review conceptual and theoretical models and strategies to meet the inherent challenges; and critically examine the leader’s role in shaping and guiding organizational response to changing public expectations and demands. CJI 8150 Advanced Study: Ideas, Issues and Practices in Criminal Justice: (3 credits) This is a course that includes a menu of topics and issues in criminal justice that