College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Catalog 2016

181 Building on a foundation in classical ethics, we examine the impact of the computer and the Internet on our society. Topics include ethical decision making; professional codes; whistle-blowing; computer crime; copyrights, patents and intellectual property; privacy; and risk management. Students analyze case studies and write a research paper. CJI 6730 Electronic Commerce on the Internet (3 credits) This course examines the foundation, operation, and implications of the Internet economy. Topics include Internet technologies, online market mechanisms, interactive customers, knowledge-based products, smart physical products and services, pricing in the Internet economy, online auctions and e-marketplaces, digital governance, policies for the Internet economy and an outlook for the new economy. CJI 6740 Database Systems (3 credits) The application of database concepts to management information systems. Design objectives, methods, costs, and benefits associated with the use of a database management system. Tools and techniques for the management of large amounts of data. Database design, performance, and administration. File organization and access methods. The architectures of database systems, data models for database systems (network, hierarchical, relational, and object- oriented model), client-server database applications, distributed databases, and object-oriented databases. CJI 6750 Telecommunications and Computer Networking (3 credits) This course provides a framework for understanding computer network functionality, characteristics, and configurations. Topics include network topologies, protocols, and architectures and emerging trends in network technologies and services. The role of optical technologies in supporting national and international implementations is explored. Strategies for network planning, implementation, management, and security are introduced. Recent advances in standardization, internetworking, and deployment of LANs (local area networks), MANs (metropolitan area networks), and WANs (wide area networks) are introduced. CJI 6810 Violence Prevention (3 Credits) This course examines various theories of human aggression and violence, exploring their underlying assumptions about human nature and the causes of violence. Also included is an introduction to a range of violence intervention and prevention approaches developed for use at the interpersonal, intergroup, and societal level. CJI 6820 Human Factors (3 Credits) This course presents communication theories relevant to conflict resolution as well as theories about understanding, analyzing, and managing conflict. The course focuses on the human and emotional aspects of conflict, and includes the influence of gender and culture. This course is pragmatic as well as theoretical, and presents communication and conflict resolution models in a practice-based approach. CJI 6830 Conflict & Crisis Negotiation (3 credits) This course will provide an overview of law enforcement crisis negotiation and its application to crisis situations, such as domestic violence encounters on an individual level and hostage/barricade encounters on an organizational level. Lecture, expert demonstration, and interactive negotiation with role-play will provide an experiential learning environment for understanding and applying active listening skills, empathy, rapport, influence, and behavioral change concepts to conflict and crisis situations. CJI 6840 Conflict and Crisis Management Theory and Practice (3 credits) This course is an overview of the theories of conflict and crisis management and the intervention models and protocols used. Conflict and crisis management will be explored among and between individuals and groups, organizations, communities, and governments around the globe. Topics will include the management of violent conflicts, such as kidnapping, hostage-barricade and terrorist acts, homeland security, and the response to natural disasters. There will be interactive exercises as well as a case study approach used. CJI 6850 Critical Incidents: Response, Management and Resolution (3 credits) This course will provide an in-depth analysis and understanding of inter-group and intra-group dynamics associated with the organizational response to critical incidents such as hostage/barricade management, terrorism, kidnapping, natural and other disasters, and tactical operations, which comprises the negotiations team, the tactical team, and the on-scene commander, as well as coordination of efforts with government, organizations, and the community. Topics include: inter-group and intra-group conflict intervention and communication strategies, negotiation, tactical, and command protocols, hostage/barricade resolution continuum options, and case studies. CJI 6910 Theory of Child Protection, Investigation, and Advocacy (3 credits) This course will focus on the interpretation of social and systemic policies and procedures of child welfare agencies and nongovernmental agencies with emphasis on child advocacy, due process, and institutional standards. Emphasis will also be included regarding the remediation, intervention, rehabilitation, education, and other services designed to reduce recidivism amongst children and their families. CJI 6920 Juvenile Justice: Systems, Structure, and Process (3 credits) Emphasis will be placed on an examination of the juvenile court as an