College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Catalog 2016

178 social responsibility. They will exhibit moral, ethical, and socially responsible behavior, and will be able to analyze the business decisions from a legal, ethical, and social responsibility perspective. CJI 6330 Managing Organizational Behavior (3 Credits) Students will gain a working knowledge of how to manage personal, interpersonal, and group processes by having the interpersonal skills to assume responsibility for leading and promoting teamwork among diverse stakeholders. Students will learn to manage individual and group behaviors in improving organizational productivity and performance. Through experiential learning, students will learn to integrate home, work, and educational observations and experiences and to convert them into proactive practical applications for growth and renewal. CJI 6340 Managing Human Resources (3 Credits) Students will gain a working knowledge of planning, organizing, and managing human resource systems; and will gain hands-on abilities to design, direct, and assess human resource systems in enhancing relationships with internal and external customers, leading to organizational effectiveness. CJI 6350 Delivering Superior Customer Value (3 Credits) Students will learn to apply the customer- value paradigm in creating a market- driven culture that designs and delivers optimum long-term value to customers. They will examine strategies for optimizing and communicating customer value, measuring customer orientation, and building customer relationships; and will learn (using case analysis and exercises) how to blend the delivery of service and product quality with pricing strategies to maximize value. CJI 6410 Administrative Law and Ethics in the Public Sector (3 Credits) This course introduces students to fundamental legal concepts regarding administrative law and the administrative process. The course also introduces students to the field of ethics and shows how ethical principles are applied to administrative agencies to ensure not only legal but also moral government decision- making. Administrative law is the body of law concerned with the actions of administrative agencies, frequently called the “4th branch of government” in the United States. The course thus examines how administrative agencies are created, how they exercise their powers, how they make laws and policy, formally as well as informally, the laws that govern agency rulemaking and adjudications, especially the Administrative Procedures Act, Constitutional and other legal protections afforded against agency actions, and how agency actions are reviewed and remedied by the courts and legislative branch of government. The course also examines the intergovernmental relations and the political and practical constraints that influence administrative policy. CJI 6420 Public Administration in Theory and Practice (3 Credits) This course examines the role of public administration and not-for-profit organizations in a democratic society. Students examine the cultural and intellectual evolution of the field, the theories, forces, and people that drive the public sector and the specific management techniques used to implement public policy. Finally, attention is given to how public policies are developed and the institutions that governments use to implement those policies. CJI 6430 Strategic Planning in the Changing Public Environment (3 Credits) This course emphasizes two broad approaches to strategic planning: explicit planning and adaptive planning. Students develop a working knowledge of how to do planning in the public sector according to these two approaches. In the usual way, students learn about the SWOT method, but then much more is gained by studying how planning is actually carried out according to three adaptive perspectives and other ancillary and explicit approaches including learning theory and contingency theory. Students learn what went wrong in the Katrina disaster and what continues to go wrong. The question is put: Can Americans plan? Finally, students review how local community and economic development planning occurs through resort to charrettes and public- private partnerships. (Prerequisite: CJI 6420) CJI 6440 Public-Sector Human Resource Management (3 Credits) The political and institutional environment of public human resource management is examined. Emphasis is given to the challenges facing the public sector in attracting and developing human assets in an environment of conflicting goals, stakeholder obligations, and a highly aware electorate. Specific topics include the evolution of the modern public service, the functions of human resource management, employment discrimination, labor management relations, professionalism and ethics. CJI 6450 Leadership in the Public Sector (3 Credits) This course will explore the dimensions of leadership and decision making within the public sector. Students will explore the major theoretical frameworks of leadership as well as the relationship of leadership to organizational change and effective management strategies. Emphasis is given to assisting practitioners and students with in-depth reflection for self-development in such areas as decision-making, ethics, and emotional intelligence. CJI 6460 Public & Non-Profit Strategic Mgt Strategic management is defined as “a disciplined effort to produce fundamental decisions and actions that shape and guide what an organization is, what it does, and why it does it.” The focus of