College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Catalog 2016

170 This course examines the relationship between the mass media, crime, and criminal justice in the United States. The way in which the criminal justice system, criminals, and crime are depicted in the entertainment and news media will be surveyed, as well as the effects that these depictions have on society and the criminal justice system. CJI 0614 Becoming an Effective Expert Witness (3 credits) Professionals have numerous opportunities to testify as “Expert Witnesses” in litigation. This includes both civil and/or criminal cases. This may include accident litigation, malpractice litigation, forensic evidence in criminal cases, or various other cases. This course will help professionals understand the sequence of events leading to becoming an expert, the preparation involved, and the art of testifying. CJI 0615 Correctional Psychology (3 credits) This course will provide an overview of correctional psychology. Students will obtain a general overview of the various components of the correctional system and the role of psychologists within that system. In addition, students will gain an understanding of working with offenders in an institutional setting. Themes covered include: The role of power in corrections, Ethical Concerns, The mission of mental health, Assessment, Treatment, Special Populations, Suicide, Self- mutilation, malingering etc. CJI 0616 Communication and Problem Solving Techniques (3 credits) This course examines various theories of effective interpersonal communication. The course focuses on strategies to better deal with communication issues presented to those who work in law enforcement and criminal justice agencies. In addition, the course provides the student with appropriate step by step problem solving strategies alleviating his/her work environment stress level. CJI 0617 Street Gangs (3 credits) This course introduces students to the area of Criminal Street Gangs and explores its impact on our society. The course will be delimited by the exploration of the topics: gang history, typology, causations, organizational structure, criminal activities of gangs, girls and gangs, community impact, community based and national intervention strategies. CJI 0618 Forensic Laboratory Technologies (3 Credits) This course will provide students with a broad overview of forensic science with emphasis on the latest technologies. Topics will include trace evidence (fibers, paint, glass, fractures, hairs, etc.), arson, impression evidence (firearms, tool marks, and latent fingerprints), questioned documents, drugs/narcotics, DNA and the CSI effect. Crime scene topics, as they relate to the laboratory, will also be covered. Concepts will be solidified via case studies. CJI 0619 Interview and Interrogation (3 Credits) This course covers the basic skills and explores the personality traits that contribute to conducting successful interviews. It covers detection of deception in verbal communications, nonverbal behavior and written statements. In addition, the course contrasts interviewing and interrogation and covers the seven steps comprising effective interrogations. CJI 0620 Executive Leadership (6 credits) This comprehensive course is designed to “bridge theory and practice” of leadership in the criminal justice and public safety environments. Particular emphasis is placed on three areas of leadership: management and leadership, organizational change and strategic management, and leadership during critical incidents and emergency response. Specifically, this course will cover topics such as leadership theory, practices, traits and skills; organizational behavior; performance management; decision making and problem solving; leadership and personality types; dealing with and initiating organizational change; developing strategic plans, developing and justifying budgets; planning and engaging in labor relations; crisis and emergency operations; critical incident stress management, conflict management; group dynamics; trauma; psychological effects of crises; and crisis response in the context of natural and manmade disasters. Students are exposed to an innovative approach to learning by providing them with both in class and online delivery of subject matter. In-class lectures, in-class and online discussions, and analyses of case studies will provide each student with the opportunity for understanding and applying theory to a real-world setting. (Prerequisites: ELC 0020, ELC 0030, ELC 0040). CJI 0621 Political and Public Policy Basis of Emergency Management (3 credits) This course is an examination of the political and public policy environment in which Emergency Planning and Management is practiced. It examines the political dynamics of emergency management, and analyzes governmental decision-making before, during, and after disasters. Students learn how political factors play a role in all phases of emergency management. Students also analyze various disaster policy studies for lessons learned. CJI 0622 Preventing Juvenile Delinquency (3 credits) The course will provide students with up- to-date research on prevention in the area of juvenile delinquency ---what programs exist, what works and what does not work based on research evidence. The course will address the history of the juvenile justice system focusing on the policies and programs undertaken currently as well as those of the past. Varying views on juvenile violence will be covered including the epidemic and the non-epidemic views. Juvenile offender careers involving entry, continuation in and exit from these careers will be dealt with using developmental theories of delinquency. A