College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Catalog 2016

168 design curriculum around peace education, how faculty can address nonviolence in the classroom, best practices in assisting students to understand the role of power and inequalities in conflict, and how to facilitate student (and teacher) understanding of entrenched historical conflicts. CARM 6670 Introduction to International Relations This course is an introduction to world politics and is intended to give the student a better understanding of international relations and the complex issues and perspectives affecting the world community. We will investigate many aspects of international relations such as the dominate theories of international relations, the history of the nation-state, the definition of power, Islamic fundamentalism, terrorism, war, ethnic conflict, political economy, international institutions, transnational organizations, trade, modernization, dependency theory, imperialism, globalization, and the foreign policy of the United States and its impact on the world community. Students are expected to keep up to date with current global events by reading an international newspaper each day and being prepared to connect and apply those current events to the topics covered in class. CFM – Family Ministry CFM 5310 Introduction to Family Systems Introduction to Family Systems: Presents and overview of systems theories that use metaphor of system, pattern interaction and communication, and language to describe human behaviors and relationships with emphasis on how these ideas may be useful in faith-based contexts. CFM 5320 Introduction to Pastoral Care Introduction to Pastoral Care: Reviews the history of marital and family therapy. Focuses on basic therapeutic concepts and skills with an emphasis in the spiritual community. CFM 6330 Applied Family Ministry Applied Family Ministry: The course is designed to allow students to practice systemic ideas in their faith- based community. Focuses on expanding systemic ideas and practice in faith-based community. CFM 6331 Diversity in Human Systems Diversity in Human Systems and Relationships: Explores issues of difference that impact social and therapeutic relationships with emphasis on increasing and enhancing students' spiritual awareness of multiculturalism. CJI – Criminal Justice CJI 0510 Survey Issues in Criminal Justice (3 Credits): This course will review historical context, theory, policy making, political factors, and behavioral influences related to criminal justice policy department. CJI 0520 Social Administration of Criminal Justice (3 Credits): This course will provide an overview of the federal, state, and local criminal justice systems. An introduction to management and methods of conflict management will be provided. CJI 0530 Legal Issues in Criminal Justice (3 Credits): This course will provide an overview to the legal issues that govern criminal justice activities that will include state and constitutional perspectives of law. An historical development of the various statutes that regulate criminal justice activities will be provided. CJI 0540 Program Evaluation in Criminal Justice (3 Credits): This course will provide a fundamental analysis of research and methodology as related to evaluation of criminal justice administration. Included in this course will be an introduction to statistical analysis and the use of current technology. CJI 0550 Investigative Processes (3 Credits): This course will provide a fundamental background for investigative processes to include the responsibilities of the investigator from the initial crime scene all the way through follow-up. Felony cases will be used to demonstrate examples of criminal principles. CJI 0601 Examining the Role of Police and Minority Communities (3 Credits) The course will examine the ever- changing roles of the police and those of minority communities that presently exist within the boundary of most jurisdictions in South Florida. What were viewed, as traditional minority communities no longer exist within the same context. Minority groups from different countries that have settled in the United States are displacing those traditional minority groups or subcultures that have evolved separated from the dominant culture. The demands of policing those communities have put strains on police agencies and involved a great deal of educational efforts to train both the police and the community. Laws that are effective to the society as whole often conflict with the social and moral fibers of these communities creating turmoil for the parties involved in these conflicts. CJI 0602 Clinical Investigation of Fraud (3 credits) This course provides an overview of the prevalence and magnitude of fraudulent activities in modern society. Estimates of social/business cost, and individual costs will be discussed. Examples with discussion of the various types of fraudulent activities will be provided. Various identification techniques and procedures will be discussed. CJI 0603 Practicum I (3 credits) Offered each term