College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Catalog 2016

164 workshop with a computer-assisted program developed to resolve complex problems. Students will gain experience as participants in problem-solving sessions, which they will study and analyze. Class sessions will consist of role-plays, discussion and analysis, and presentation of information. Prerequisites: CARM 6140. Offered occasionally. CARM 6638 – Conflict and Crisis Management: Theory and Practice This course is an overview of the theories of conflict and crisis management and the intervention models and protocols used. Conflict and crisis management will be explored among and between individuals and groups, organizations, communities, and governments around the globe. Topics will include the management of violent conflicts, such as kidnapping, hostage-barricade and terrorist acts, homeland security, and the response to natural disasters. There will be interactive exercises as well as a case study approach used. Offered yearly. CARM 6639 – Organizational Conflict Intervention This course will explore the diagnostic techniques and tools necessary to assess organizational conflict, and tools necessary for successful intervention. Offered yearly. CARM 6640 – Critical Incidents Response This course will provide an in-depth analysis and understanding of inter-group and intra-group dynamics associated with the organizational response to critical incidents such as hostage/barricade management, terrorism, kidnapping, natural and other disasters, and tactical operations, which comprises the negotiations team, the tactical team, and the on-scene commander, as well as coordination of efforts with government, organizations, and the community. Topics include: inter-group and intra-group conflict intervention and communication strategies, negotiation, tactical, and command protocols, hostage/barricade resolution continuum options, and case studies. Offered yearly. CARM 6641 – Conflict and Crisis Negotiation This course will provide an overview of law enforcement crisis negotiation and its application to crisis situations, such as domestic violence encounters on an individual level and hostage/barricade encounters on an organizational level. Lecture, expert demonstration, and interactive negotiation with role play will provide an experiential learning environment for understanding and applying active listening skills, empathy, rapport, influence, and behavioral change concepts to conflict and crisis situations. Offered occasionally. CARM 6643- Social Aspects of Terrorism In the last fifteen years we have seen a significant surge in acts of terrorism. Today, terrorism plays a significant role in international and domestic politics and affects each of us in varying degrees. This course is an advanced seminar dealing with terrorism. It is imperative that we understand terrorism, the history of terrorism, the types of terrorism, the terrorist, his motivations, and the causes and consequences of terrorism. This course examines a wide range of topics in order to provide you with a deeper understanding the phenomenon of terrorism. We will engage in a thoughtful and in-depth examination of the definitions, causes, and consequences of terrorism, as well as consider the different means to countering terrorism. We will evaluate the domestic and international causes and effects of terrorism, state- sponsored terrorism, and suicide terrorism. We will examine and evaluate how terrorists raise, store, spend, and transfer their financial resources. Offered occasionally. CARM 6644-Consulting with Leaders in Organizational Conflict: A Four Frame Approach Studies clearly show that successful leaders of twenty-first century organizations need to make sense of complex conflict situations before taking action. This course will combine theory and practice to equip students to assist organizational leaders in developing both diagnostic and behavioral sophistication by using multiple frames before taking action. Participants will engage in both classroom learning, on-line assistance, and leadership coaching with a client and organization of their own choosing. Offered yearly. CARM 6645 – Indigenous Systems of Conflict Resolution This course is designed to make contributions to the field by exploring the processes of conflict resolution and peacemaking as practiced by the indigenous communities around the world. Class members will engage in an in- depth exploration of techniques of peacemaking, as practiced in various parts of the world. Offered yearly. CARM 6646 – The Anthropology of Peace and Conflict This course will explore the social dynamics of disputing and undertaking detailed examinations of specific cases. By examining diverse expressions of conflict and different means of controlling it, students will deepen their understanding of conflict analysis and broaden their perspectives on how disputes can be managed. Course topics will include the cooperative and aggressive components of human nature, the social construction of violence, genocide, and war, and the relationship between conflict resolution, social control, inequality, and justice. Offered occasionally. CARM 6647- Risk Management for Organizations This course examines risks across all types of organizations, including healthcare. The course will outline various types of risk exposures including pure, operational, project, technical, business and political. Students will learn how to develop a systemic risk management program for any organization through risk identification, qualitative impact analysis,