College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Catalog 2016

159 CARD 7050 - Theories of Conflict and Conflict Resolution II Continuation of CARM 5020 or CARD 7040. Prerequisite: CARD 7040. Offered summer. CARD 7090 - Quantitative Research I: Methods and Tools Covers a range of quantitative research methods and designs including questionnaires, interviews and surveys, sampling, attitude and rating scales, tests of statistical significance, experiments, and the basics of descriptive statistics and univariate analysis. Offered fall. CARD 7100 - Quantitative Research II: Analysis and Statistics This course explores various methods of analyzing and presenting quantitative research data. Includes common concepts and techniques for analyzing results of surveys and experimental research projects: computer statistical programs and an in-house database, bivariate and multivariate analysis, index and scale development, and more advanced techniques such as regression analysis. Prerequisite: CARD 7090. Offered winter. CARD 7110 - Qualitative Research Methods I This course provides an introduction to the qualitative research traditions and the philosophical and ethical considerations in conducting this type of research. The course explores a range of qualitative data collection with a focus on ethnography and biography. These are two of the five major traditions to be explored in this two-course series. Techniques used to research conflict and conflict resolution, including in-depth interviews and participant-observation, data collection and analysis, as well as review of relevant research literature in the field. Offered fall. CARD 7120 - Qualitative Research Methods II This course continues the exploration of qualitative research with a special focus on three of the five qualitative traditions, phenomenology, the case study, and grounded theory. Such traditions will also explore how to research conflict and conflict resolution. In addition, elements of the qualitative research proposal will be discussed and practiced such as formulating an abstract, research problems, research questions/ objectives, and methodological analysis. Prerequisite: CARD 7110. Offered winter. CARD 7250 - Public Policy Analysis of current policy issues in the field of conflict resolution with an emphasis on the design, implementation, evaluation and analysis of legislation, including state and local policy initiatives in Florida, the United States, and abroad. Offered summer. CARD 7500 - Teaching and Training An introduction to teaching and training. Reviews instructional models and teaching literature with emphasis on teaching the adult learner. Prerequisites: Prerequisites: CARD 5000 and CARD 5040 and CARD 7090 and CARD 7110 and CARD 7040, AND 2 of the following: CARD 5100, CARD 5140, CARD 6140, and CARD 7020. Offered fall. CARD 7510 - Teaching and Training Practicum Provides an opportunity for supervised teaching and training experience in graduate, undergraduate, continuing education, video and curriculum development, seminar, online course delivery, and/or workshop instruction in conflict resolution or related field. Prerequisite: CARD 7500. Offered winter. CARD 7900 – Dissertation Focuses on the development, writing, and defense of the dissertation. When approved, students register for at least three credits per term for a minimum of 12 credits. Prerequisites: successful completion of all coursework, the qualifying examination, and the approval of the Program Director and Dissertation Committee. Prerequisite: CARD 7901, 6900. Offered all terms. CARD 7901 – Dissertation Preparation This course is designed to provide structure and guidance for students entering the dissertation stage of the doctoral program. Emphasis in the course will be on the steps necessary to prepare a draft dissertation proposal including research design, research tools, literature review, theoretical perspectives, and the design of research questions. Students in the class, in consultation with their dissertation chairs, will develop progress timelines and will be apprised of all the related policies and procedures for dissertation study. The course will utilize a facilitative approach and will employ peer review. Offered all terms. Independent Study in Conflict Analysis and Resolution An independent study is developed with a faculty of choice. This can be made available to students nearing the end of their course work and are experiencing extenuating circumstances. A request for independent study is to be made prior to the term in which it is to be taken as approval is needed from the department chair. CARM – Conflict Analysis and Resolution (Masters) CARM 5000 - Foundations and Development of Conflict Resolution & Peace Studies This course outlines the substantive themes, history, origins, contexts, and philosophical foundations of conflict resolution, healing, peacemaking, and problem solving. Students will examine levels of interventions and processes in the field of conflict resolution. Offered all terms. CARM 5020 - Theories and Philosophies of Conflict and Peace This course is designed as a survey course on contemporary theories of conflict and conflict resolution. Students will examine a variety of theories that center primarily on the fields of history, economics,