College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Catalog 2016

156 groundwork for the conflicts of today? By exploring the significance of history, memory, and cognition, this course provides the most recent theoretical debates on these issues and their significance for understanding why populations persist in a state of violence. Questions to be considered include: how does the past become relevant to the present, and how do we as peace-builders respond to interrupt cycles of historical violence? Others are: how is the past re- invented, mythologized about, and re- imagined? How do the powerful manipulate collective memory to perpetuate cycles of violence? Why does memory have such an important role in the persistence of intractable hostilities and how does the learning of violence become transmitted from one generation to the next? Using cutting-edge theories and case studies from today’s headlines, and incorporating tools of practice such as art and storytelling, this course will empower students to be a part of peace- building in the context of entrenched historical conflict. CARD 6653 – Conflict in Conservation and Development This course examines conflict in conservation and development. It covers theoretical frameworks and introduces participatory tools that will enable students to more effectively analyze and address situations of conflict in conservation and development initiatives. The course familiarizes students with concepts and methods from natural resource management, sustainable livelihood systems and collaborative learning approaches. Offered occasionally. CARD 6654 - Islam, Conflict, and Peacemaking This course will provide a historical overview of Islam, including an introduction to belief systems, the different branches of the faith and schools of Islamic law with a special emphasis on Muslim doctrines related to conflict and peace. It will include the contemporary era and investigate Muslim engagements with modernity and discuss the varied responses and perspectives. There will some discussions of international relations, but the course will also emphasize micro level issues. Students will have the opportunity to develop research projects designed to extend their understanding of Islam and its potential as a resource for peace building. Offered occasionally. CARD 6655 -The Interdisciplinary Writer This course is designed to assist graduate students in creating essays, thought papers, and other pieces of writing that reach an intended audience with clarity, skillful craft, and purpose. It includes reading and writing assignments for an academic setting focused on interdisciplinary perspectives. Students will be expected to participate in class discussions and improvisational writing exercises. Because this is a writing course, rather than just a course about writing, there will be a workshop component to the class. This means that all participants will bring in copies of their work to share to develop writing strengths and skills, improve editing abilities, and better understand how an author’s writing and those of others a piece’s purpose, it's organizational structure, level of craft execution, authorial voice, and engagement of the audience. Offered occasionally. CARD 6656 - Gender, Conflict and International Development This course provides the student with essential understanding of the factors that shape the social, political and economic roles of women and men in developing countries. The course covers the concepts of gender in conflict resolution and peace building by examining women and men’s human rights and security, and the consideration of gender within developmental policies and provides an overview of concepts and gender analysis frameworks from a historical perspective. Students examine specific projects aimed at integrating women into community development. Offered occasionally. CARD 6657- Conflict Coaching Theory and Practice This course examines the growing use of conflict coaching as a conflict intervention process and introduces different models and related theoretical foundations. The integration of theory and practice will emphasize the various stages including identity framework, narrative, needs assessment, goal setting, and feedback, utilizing a relational and systems orientation. The course develops coaching skills, strategies, and knowledge, and uses a practice-based approach, including role- plays and case studies. Offered yearly. CARD 6658 - Transformational Narratives Across cultures, people effectively communicate about their conflicts and issues through narratives. In any helping profession, it is effective to create useful change with a clear understanding of the strategies of transformational narratives. By understanding what creates change in stories, we can help people rewrite their own accounts in ways that redefine their possibilities. This course offers analyses of narratives from traditions of conflict resolution and other interdisciplinary perspectives, promoting the ability to reframe, refocus, and creatively intervene in stories of a personal and social nature to open useful possibilities for people who carry stories of unresolved struggle. Offered occasionally. CARD 6659 Conflict Peace Building in Africa This course examines conflict and peace building dynamics in the African continent. Its content includes a survey of contemporary macro-level conflicts in Africa and an examination of their historical and more immediate causes. Class participants will explore the causes and effects of such conflicts and investigate prospects for constructive transformation. Past and ongoing resolution and peace building efforts will be discussed, and class members will