College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Catalog 2016

153 CARD 6618 The Reflective Practitioner: Consulting, Conflict, and Change in Organizational Settings A hands on, clinically based course in which students will form consulting teams (like in consulting firms) and actually do consulting in the community. Offered occasionally. CARD 6619 - Strategic Community Planning and Partnerships An overview of the community from a strategic perspective, identifying: social, economic, demographic and cultural trends and patterns within the community; areas of concern for law enforcement and government; ways to initiate and develop community-wide strategic planning for peaceful community relations and growth; building community partnerships between law enforcement, the criminal justice system and community agencies and groups; community justice; and the use of data, data collection and analysis in developing and implementing collaborative long and short term plans for community development, problem solving and funding initiatives. Offered occasionally. CARD 6621 – Introduction to Human Rights This course provides students with an introductory survey of political, philosophical, historical, economic, and legal considerations related to fundamental human rights concepts. Students will examine human rights issues in both domestic and international arenas. In particular, the course addresses the issues of the ideological and cultural origins of human rights theory; the sources of rights and rights violations; the impact of the nation-state system, governments and other institutions (such as corporations, churches and universities), and domestic and foreign policies particularly of the U.S.) on human rights law and enforcement. Finally, students examine the wide variety of political, civil, economic, social and cultural rights warranting protection. Offered Yearly. CARD 6623 - Practicum III This course is a more advanced field research project that incorporates classroom knowledge and real-world settings. Students will demonstrate their ability to apply theory to practice and analyze situations utilizing knowledge from previous course work. Program approval required. Department approval required . Offered occasionally. CARD 6624 - Advanced Practicum This practicum experience is a faculty- driven experience in which a faculty member will design a project in conjunction with another organization or university and students selected for the practicum will work on that project with the faculty member. The project may also entail a one to two week mandatory field experience in which students and the faculty member will work on the project on location. Students will be responsible for their expenses. Students will apply for this practicum and must be selected. Offered occasionally. CARD 6625 Global Practicum The Global Field Studies Practicum Course in Conflict Resolution incorporates a field- immersion component as part of this practicum course. It is developed around principles of multidisciplinary conflict analysis, management, and resolution which promote scholarship of engagement in communities through research, education, and practice. This course provides a solid knowledge base by the application of conflict resolution concepts through experiential learning that lead to professional development. The field experience enhances students’ cross-cultural skills, appreciation and understanding of diversity and global issues. During the course students are exposed to a diverse community of researchers, practitioners, policy makers, who share with students their experience and career journeys. The course provides for the enhancement of students’ career development plans and requires the completion of all required practicum forms and paperwork. For their final project students are expected to work with a partner organization developing research, training, or consultancy projects where students apply theoretical concepts within a practical framework. CARD 6626 - Conflict Resolution for the School and School System This course is designed for anyone in a position to influence school policy, practice, and decision-making, from within or as a consultant. The course takes a systems approach to resolving conflicts within the school and school system, applying conflict analysis and conflict resolution models to conflict situations, using negotiation, mediation, and facilitation processes, developing a conflict resolution culture throughout the system, providing training for parents, teachers, students, and school board. The course also examines methods to manage conflict, including using conflict resolution practices in crisis situations, and mediating and negotiating with parents, teachers, administrators, and students. The course uses a case study method. Offered Yearly. CARD 6627 - Conflict Resolution and Peer Mediation for Students: Elementary, Middle and High School Levels This course is designed to bring conflict resolution and peer mediation training to students at the classroom, school, or school system level with the objective of transforming student/classroom/school conflict resolution culture. Students will examine the elements of conflict resolution and peer mediation curricula, materials and resources in the field, and current research. Students will also do original curriculum/peer mediation design by integrating state-of –the-art thinking in conflict resolution methods, theories, and research into the design, implementation, and institutionalization of conflict resolution and peer mediation programs. Offered yearly. CARD 6630—Foundations of Genocide This course is a survey of the causes, forms, and nature of genocide. The course