College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Catalog 2016

151 CARD – Conflict Analysis and Resolution (Ph.D.) CARD 5000 - Foundations and Development of Conflict Resolution & Peace Studies This course outlines the substantive themes, history, origins, contexts, and philosophical foundations of conflict resolution, healing, peacemaking, and problem solving. Students will examine levels of interventions and processes in the field of conflict resolution. Offered all terms. CARD 5040 Communication Dynamics in Dispute Resolution: The Human Factor This course presents communication theories relevant to conflict resolution as well as theories about understanding, analyzing, and managing conflict. The course focuses on the human and emotional aspects of conflict, and includes the influence of gender and culture. This course is pragmatic as well as theoretical, and presents communication and conflict resolution models in a practice-based approach. Offered all terms. CARD 5100 - Mediation Theory and Practice This course examines theories, methods, and techniques of mediation. Students will have the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge of mediation skills. Prerequisites: CARM or CARD 5040. Offered fall and winter. CARD 5140 - Negotiation Theory and Practice This course examines conflict intervention from the perspective of the disputant/negotiator. The integration of theory and practice will emphasize the tactics, strategies, and operations of effective and ineffective bargaining/ negotiating behavior. The course develops negotiator skills and knowledge, leading to collaborative-based actions and solutions. Prerequisites: CARM or CARD 5040. Offered winter. CARD 5401 Editing I This course engages students in the principles and practices that create and sustain hard copy and online journals. These may vary from a fully-academic focus to literary materials, but all will create and deliver content that promotes contributions to their fields. Coursework will encompass all the steps that connect a publication with its intended audience. Coursework will vary depending on the current stage of a journal’s development, including duties that enact the realistic responsibilities and opportunities that anyone can expect while serving on, or leading, a journal in a professional position. This course is useful for students who intend to pursue a professional role in journal editing and those who intend to contribute to respected journals or other regular publications with a high quality standard. CARD 6120 - Culture and Conflict: Cross-Cultural Perspectives This course examines the nature and meaning of conflict, conflict management techniques, and the assessment of conflict situations from a cross-cultural perspective. Explores various models for training third parties to function effectively in handling disputes where cultural differences are a significant factor. Also addresses various theoretical and practical implications of indigenous conflict management techniques and beliefs found in different cultural settings. Offered fall. CARD 6130 - Practicum I: Supervised Field Experience This course is a field research project that incorporates classroom knowledge and real-world settings. Students will demonstrate their ability to apply theory to practice and analyze situations utilizing knowledge from previous course work. Prerequisites: CARM 5000 or CARD 5000, and CARM 5040 or CARD 5040, and CARM 5020 or CARD 7040 AND 1 of the following CARM 5100, CARM 5140, CARM 6140, CARD 7020. Offered all terms. CARD 6140 - Facilitation Theory and Practice This course develops students' skills in working with groups. It incorporates theories and models of group dynamics, facilitation, and group development, as well as workshop development and delivery. This course uses a practice- based approach, including role-plays and workshop presentations. Prerequisites: CARM or CARD 5040. Offered fall and winter (online) and summer (on-campus). CARD 6160 - Practicum II: Supervised Field Experience Continuation of CARD 6130 Practicum I: Supervised Field Experience. Prerequisite: CARD 6130. Offered fall and winter. CARD 6170 - Violence Prevention This course examines various theories of human aggression and violence, exploring their underlying assumptions about human nature and the causes of violence. Also included is an introduction to a range of violence intervention and prevention approaches developed for use at the interpersonal, intergroup, and societal level. Offered summer and fall. CARD 6600 Special Topics in Conflict Resolution This course explores a variety of topics related to the field of conflict analysis and resolution, with the specific focus for each section determined by faculty on a case- by-case basis. The course provides for the exploration of topics of interest to faculty and students and/or timely topics, which are not covered by existing electives. CARD 6601 International Conflict Resolution This course reviews international conflict resolution in many settings and includes informal mediation by private interveners and scholar-practitioners; formal mediation by individual, regional, trans- national, and international organizations; and mediation within small and large states. Offered occasionally.