College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Catalog 2016

149 Student Evaluation of Classes and Practica At the end of each term, students are given the opportunity to provide the program with their comments about the courses they took. The student’s anonymity is strictly protected in the following ways: a) no names are required on the evaluation; b) all evaluations are completed on a secure website; c) faculty members do not receive an overall summary of the evaluations until after grades have been submitted to the Registrar. Student feedback is welcomed and considered very valuable. The CAHSS Writing Center The CAHSS Writing Center is a student-centered program that provides writing assistance to students enrolled in CAHSS graduate programs. Face-to-face sessions are generally conducted in the Writing Studio located in Parker 127C and online sessions are facilitated through WCOnline. Students can schedule appointments by accessing WCOnline: . The Writing Center is led by faculty in the Department of Writing and Communication. CAHSS Faculty, Staff, and Administration For a full list of the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences faculty, staff, and administration please visit . Detailed information about CAHSS faculty scholarship can be found on the NSUWorks website: .