College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Catalog 2016

144 A BOUT CAHSS-B ASED E XPERIENTIAL T RAINING AND C OMMUNITY S ERVICES Advanced Bowen Family Systems Training Project/Workshops In conjunction with the Western Pennsylvania Family Center, CAHSS and the Department of Family Therapy has teamed up to present a series of Advanced Bowen Family Systems workshop trainings to members of the South Florida family therapy community, at no cost to the participants. These workshops are conducted at the training center of the WPFC in Pittsburgh, Pa., and are simultaneously broadcast electronically to the campus of Nova Southeastern University. These feature nationally and internationally renowned practitioners and experts in Bowen Family Systems theory who share their knowledge and expertise on various areas of family functioning and clinical practice. The electronic format allows for interactive question and answer sessions with the presenters, and exposes both students and members of the South Florida family therapy community to gain access to highly specialized professional resources. After the formal presentations conclude a "locals only" discussion follows, facilitated by a member of the Department of Family Therapy faculty. Brief Therapy Institute and Family Therapy Clinic The Brief Therapy Institute (BTI) is South Florida’s primary training center for brief counseling and family therapy, as well as the community service provider for the Department of Family Therapy. Since 1988, BTI has provided affordable, innovative, culturally-sensitive counseling services to thousands of tri-county residents of diverse ethnic and cultural backgrounds, religious affiliations, and sexual orientation. Located in the Maltz Building on NSU’s main campus, BTI offers individuals, couples, and families a sliding-fee schedule, convenient times for appointments, and quick access to therapeutic treatment. Much of the therapy at BTI is provided by practicum teams, each comprised of an AAMFT approved faculty member and up to six graduate student therapists. As one of the team members, a designated primary therapist works directly with the clients, the others join the supervisor in an observation room behind a one-way mirror. The two rooms are connected by telephone, so, as the session proceeds, the supervisor and team may call the therapist, make observations and pose questions. Such “live supervision” of cases serves multiple purposes. The primary therapist receives ongoing, immediate feedback on his or her work. Team members behind the mirror are able to experience the session without having to conduct it, allowing them to learn from an intense, but non-demanding perspective. The supervisor is able to see clearly what the therapist is doing and how the clients are responding, making it possible to offer clear and relevant support and direction. And the clients are able to receive cutting-edge, non- pathologizing therapeutic involvement from committed professionals, helping them to resolve personal problems and interpersonal conflicts. Our advanced doctoral students have an opportunity to participate in a more independent practicum which offers more flexibility for scheduling and seeing clients while still working with a supervisor and team. A wide variety of individuals, couples, and families are seen at BTI. We work closely with our community service providers to become a therapeutic resource for children and families facing, multiple issues, veterans, couples, and extended families. Issues may include school-related issues, reunification, substance abuse challenges, pre- marital, divorce, grief and loss, and other therapeutic issues. For more information, visit / .