College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Catalog 2016

138 M ASTER OF A RTS IN C OMPOSITION , R HETORIC , AND D IGITAL M EDIA (M.A.) Program Description The Master of Arts in Composition, Rhetoric, and Digital Media will educate students about the history and theory of composition, rhetoric, and digital media, providing students with a foundation for conducting and presenting research, applying rhetorical theories, teaching writing, and producing digital media. Through specialized coursework and experiential learning, students will develop expertise researching and teaching composition while practicing writing in a variety of professional genres. Students will prepare for careers in writing, publishing, and teaching and will be prepared to pursue a variety of Ph.D. programs, including those in Composition and Rhetoric. Learning Outcomes The successful M.A. in Composition, Rhetoric, and Digital Media graduate is expected to:  Demonstrate advanced knowledge of what effective writing is in a variety of rhetorical contexts.  Evaluate writing curricula and pedagogical practices.  Design successful digital media using rhetorically appropriate strategies.  Produce and present original research based on the theories and methods applicable to composition, rhetoric, and digital media. Curriculum Major Requirements (30 credits) Core Courses (12 credits) WRIT 5010 Research Methods (3 credits) WRIT 5100 Teaching Writing (3 credits) WRIT 5120 Theories of Composition (3 credits) WRIT 5340 Studies in Multimodality and Digital Media (3 credits) Elective Courses (12 credits) Select 12 credits from the following courses: WRIT 5000 Professional and Public Writing (3 credits) WRIT 5140 Writing Center Praxis (3 credits) WRIT 5160 Teaching Writing Online (3 credits) WRIT 5200 History of the English Language (3 credits) WRIT 5320 Advanced Writing with Technologies (3 credits) WRIT 5400 Technical Writing (3 credits) WRIT 5550 Feature Writing (3 credits) WRIT 5620 Rhetorical Traditions in Writing Studies (3 credits) WRIT 5650 Rhetorical Criticism (3 credits) WRIT 5800 Editing, Layout, and Design (3 credits) WRIT 5900 Special Topics (3 credits) Thesis (6 credits) WRIT 6000 Master’s Thesis (3 credits, repeatable) Thesis Requirements and Guidelines The thesis represents the culmination of the student’s work in a master’s degree program at the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences. Completing the thesis demonstrates