College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Catalog 2016

136 D EPARTMENT OF P ERFORMING AND V ISUAL A RTS The mission of the Department of Performing and Visual Arts (PVA) is to provide quality education that fosters creative growth and professional development in a liberal arts environment. PVA is a major part of the cultural fabric of NSU, and we foster advancement in artistic and academic creativity, scholarship, exhibition, performance and research. PVA aspires to provide leadership and serve as a major cultural resource for the university and a collaborative community. Pathways to creative careers are launched in Bachelor of Arts programs in art and design (studio or graphic design concentrations), arts administration, dance, music (commercial music or performance concentrations), and theatre (acting for stage and screen, musical theatre, or design and technical production concentrations). The following programs are offered by the Department of Performing and Visual Arts:  Bachelor of Arts in Art and Design  Bachelor of Arts in Arts Administration  Bachelor of Arts in Dance  Bachelor of Arts in Music  Bachelor of Arts in Theatre  Undergraduate Minors: Arts Administration Dance Graphic Design Music Studio Art Theatre Note: For information on all undergraduate programs, please see the Undergraduate Student Catalog: