College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences Catalog 2016

132 housing for those living on campus. Students accepted to the full-time CSA program may apply for a Graduate Assistantship position by contacting Dr. Gay Holliday, Associate Dean of Student Affairs, in the Office of the Dean of Students at NSU. More information can be found on the website : Examinations and Evaluations In addition to successfully completing all course work, and obtaining the required practicum hours discussed above, students must pass a comprehensive examination to be awarded the M.S. in College Student Affairs. When a student has completed all coursework and practicum hours, has maintained a minimum of 3.0 GPA with no "incomplete" grades, and is a "student in good standing" with no disciplinary actions pending or disciplinary tasks to complete, the student will be eligible to take the comprehensive examination. The comprehensive exam is an assessment of the student’s ability to integrate the knowledge and skills gained through course work and the practicum experience. The exam tests the student’s written ability to critically analyze and apply conflict assessment, theory, and research methodology to hypothetical conflict situations. The exam also tests knowledge of material specific to the academic curriculum. The comprehensive exam is offered three times a year: in January, May and August/September. The exam takes an entire day. The student is given four hours to complete each section, with a lunch break in between sections. Students have the choice of sitting for the exam on NSU’s main campus, at selected NSU Educational Centers, or at a testing center approved by the department. If the student takes the exam at NSU or an NSU center, there are no assessed fees related to the exam. Some approved locations may charge a fee for proctoring the exam. Should the student choose to take the exam at such a location, that fee shall be assessed to the student. Faculty members are assigned to review each question. Students are assigned an examination number. Thus, faculty members do not know whose answers they are reviewing. In order to fail a question, two faculty reviewers must award a failing grade. All four questions must be answered correctly to pass the exam. Students who fail any part of the exam must retake the failed section(s) of the exam when the exam is next offered. They may choose the option of sitting for an oral exam in the section(s) failed prior to the next time the exam is offered. In order to choose this option they must make a formal request to the department chair within 30 days of notice of the exam results. The oral exam will be scheduled within 45 days of notice of the exam results. If the oral exam is not successfully passed, the student shall sit for the failed section(s) when the exam is next offered. Students have five years to complete degree requirements. Graduation Requirements In order to be eligible for conferral of degree, CSA students must have completed all coursework, practicum hours, and passed the comprehensive examination. In addition, they must have at least a 3.0 GPA with no "incomplete" grades, and must be a "student in good standing" with no disciplinary actions pending or disciplinary tasks to complete. CSA students may participate in the June graduation ceremonies if they have completed all coursework, practicum hours and taken their comprehensive examination even if they have not yet received their grade for the exam.