New-Wave Heroin Claims Hoffman and Others. Associated Press Radio.
February 4, 2014.
America’s Rising Heroin Addiction. The Globe and Mail. February 5, 2014.
NewWave of Heroin Claiming Lives Across Nation. The Tulsa World.
February 5, 2014.
Philip Seymour Hoffman’s Death Points to Broader Opioid Drug Epidemic.
The Washington Post. February 7, 2014.
Charleston-area Heroin Use Trending Upward? The Post and Courier.
February 8, 2014.
Actor’s Death Highlights Spread of Cheap Heroin in Cities Big, Small. The
Columbus Dispatch. February 9, 2014.
Experts Warn Heroin Could Be Next Epidemic. The Tampa Tribune.
February 16, 2014.
Klobuchar, Hennepin County Sheriff Lead Emotional Talk on Increased
Heroin Deaths. Pioneer Press. February 16, 2014.
Holder: Heroin an Urgent ‘Public Health Crisis’. Monroe News. March 10,
Scope of Nationwide Heroin ‘Epidemic’ Unknown; Drug Related Death,
Overdose Data Lacking. New Haven Register News. May 5, 2014.