2013 Annual Report | Center for Applied Research on Substance Use and Health Disparities

2013 Publications (continued)  O’Grady, Catherine, Hilary L. Surratt, Steven P. Kurtz, and Maria A. Levi-Minzi. In press. “Nonmedical Prescription Drug Users in Private vs. Public Substance Abuse Treatment: A Cross Sectional Comparison of Demographic and HIV Risk Behavior Profiles,” Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy .  Remy, Lysa, Joana Narvaez, Anne Sordi, Luciano S. P. Guimaraes, Lisia Von Diemen, Hilary Surratt, Steven P. Kurtz and Flavio Pechansky. 2013. “Correlates of Unprotected Sex in a Sample of Young Club Drug Users.” Clinics 68(11): 1384-1391.  Severtson, Stevan G., Becki Bucher Bartelson, Jonathan M. Davis, Alvaro Muñoz, Michael F. Schneider, Howard Chilcoat, Paul M. Coplan, Hilary L. Surratt, and Richard C. Dart. 2013. “ Reduced Abuse, Therapeutic Errors, and Diversion Following Reformulation of Extended-Release Oxycodone in 2010 ." The Journal of Pain, 14(10): 1122-1130.  Surratt, Hilary L., Steven P. Kurtz, Theodore J. Cicero, Catherine O’Grady, and Maria Levi-Minzi. 2013. “Antiretroviral Medication Diversion among HIV-positive Substance Abusers in South Florida.” American Journal of Public Health, 103(6): 1026-1028.  Surratt, Hilary L., Catherine O’Grady, Steven P. Kurtz, Mance E. Buttram, and Maria A. Levi-Minzi. In press. “HIV Testing and Engagement in Care among Highly Vulnerable Female Sex Workers: Implications for Treatment as Prevention Models,” Journal of Health Care for the Poor & Underserved.  Surratt, Hilary L., Catherine O’Grady, Steven P. Kurtz, Maria A. Levi-Minzi, and Minxing Chen. 2014. “Outcomes of a Behavioral Intervention to Reduce HIV Risk among Drug-Involved Female Sex Workers.” AIDS & Behavior, 18(4): 726- 739. 9