Annual Report 2023

No t e s t o Co n s o l i d a t e d F i n a n c i a l S t a t eme n t s J u n e 3 0 , 2 0 2 3 a n d 2 0 2 2 Long-term Debt Obtained for Long-Term Purposes (DOLP) DOLP includes qualifying debt included within Long-Term Debt and the Current Portion of Long-Term Debt in the Consolidated Statements of Financial Position (LT Debt). Refer to Note 9 for detailed information regarding LT Debt, which is comprised of bonds payable. Note 9 details each bond series, including the applicable issue and maturity dates. Each series included in DOLP is long-term in nature and restricted for capitalized assets (PP&E). The nature of the amounts capitalized include land, buildings and improvements, and various types of equipment, for numerous projects as part of the university’s capital plan. The amounts capitalized for such projects equal or exceed the amount of attributable LT Debt. Additionally, DOLP includes liabilities associated with finance leases, which are included in Other Liabilities, current and long-term, within the Consolidated Statements of Financial Position (Finance Lease Liabilities), as detailed in Note 19. Right-of-use assets associated with Finance Lease Liabilities are included in PP&E (see Note 7). DOLP1 Other LT Debt2 (in thousands) PreImplementation PostImplementation Total DOLP PostImplementation Total LT Debt LT debt, June 30, 2022 $ 436,902 $ 23,804 $ 460,706 $ 148,785 $ 609,491 (Note 9) Additions - 1,418 1,418 (1,418) - Principal Payments (12,551) (909) (13,460) - (13,460) Amortization (Premium and Issuance Costs) (2,218) 17 (2,201) 146 (2,055) LT debt, June 30, 2023 $ 422,133 $ 24,330 $ 446,463 $ 147,513 $ 593,976 (Note 9) Finance Lease Liabilities, June 30, 2022 $ - $ 5,133 $ 5,133 (Note 19) Additions - 733 733 Payments - (1,346) (1,346) Modifications - - - Finance Lease Liabilities, June 30, 2023 $ - $ 4,520 $ 4,520 (Note 19) Total DOLP, June 30, 2023 $ 422,133 $ 28,850 $ 450,983 1 Includes the 2016 Bonds, 2018 Bonds, 2020 Bonds, and a portion of the 2022 Bonds (see Note 9). 2 Includes the remaining portion of the 2022 Bonds (see Note 9) which is intended to support future capital expenditures (PP&E). There is no LT Debt included in DOLP that is not for PP&E or liability greater than PP&E. 45