Allopathic Medicine Student Handbook

74 Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine (NSU MD) 2024–2025 Faculty and staff members of NSU MD commit to assigning as few evaluations as possible to achieve the goal of ongoing curricular improvements and faculty development/evaluation. Should a student receive an evaluation for a nonmandatory session the student did not attend, the student is expected to complete a few questions on why the student chose not to attend and what alternative resources the student used to master the material covered in the session. Confidentiality of all Student Responses Confidentiality of student responses on all evaluations is guaranteed. The responses to evaluations are always compiled and anonymized prior to being reported. Should a one-on-one relationship with a faculty member—such as a clinical preceptor—preclude anonymity, then evaluation data will not be shared until the grading process is complete. Should a student have any concerns or questions about the anonymity of an evaluation, the student should speak to the course or clerkship director and/or the assistant dean of Educational Standards and Quality before the deadline for submitting completed responses. Quality of Student Responses Students are expected to complete all evaluations in a highly professional manner. All comments submitted in evaluations are shared verbatim with faculty members, so we expect them to be high quality, meaningful, constructive, and free of personal slurs. Failure to Complete Assigned Evaluations Most evaluations use the format of electronic surveys with numerical ratings and space for narrative comments in the eMedley software. Student completion rates and timeliness of completion on all evaluations will be tracked. Students are encouraged to discuss any specific concerns with their adviser or with the Office of Student Affairs before the due date. If a student does not complete assigned peer feedback by the due date, the block, course, or clerkship director and FA will be informed. A student’s diligence and responsibility in providing meaningful and timely evaluations in a highly professional manner is a component of several competencies, failure of which may result in referral to the SPAC, and an evaluation of professionalism as Satisfactory with Concern and/or Unsatisfactory. (Reminder: An Unsatisfactory grade in any competency will result in failure of the block, course, or clerkship.) Medical Student Peer Feedback Completion Policy A vital skill physicians must learn is to give and receive feedback. Medical students should expect to both receive and provide confidential feedback in the context of groups (PBL, IQ, TBL), blocks, courses, and clerkships. Our students’ feedback to their classmates is critical to the medical profession and reflects their obligation to provide constructive commentary to each other as they seek to improve and enhance their performance. Students are expected to complete all assigned peer feedback as part of their professional responsibilities at NSU MD. Peer feedback assignments will be made at appropriate times throughout the curriculum, with a clearly designated time frame for completion. Failure to Complete Assigned Peer Feedback Student completion rates and timeliness of completion of all peer feedback will be tracked. Students are encouraged to discuss any specific concerns with their FA or with the Office of Student Affairs