Allopathic Medicine Student Handbook

Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine (NSU MD) 2024–2025 71 • Flip-flops, sandals, T-shirts with graphics, sundresses, tank tops, midriff tops, spandex, and clothing with rips and/or stains are not permitted at any time. Attendance Policy As future professionals, students are expected to conduct themselves appropriately in all curricular activities, including classroom work, laboratory work, and clinical experiences. The professionalism of a student includes arriving to educational activities on time, staying for and participating in the entire activity, using electronic devices only for coursework during the educational activity, and minimizing disruptions to the educational exercise. Certain activities are experiential and require attendance. Students are personally responsible for attending all required educational activities as specified by the block, course, or clerkship director. This includes, but is not limited to, large group interactive sessions such as team-based learning (TBL), labs, small group discussions, clinical experiences, and examinations. Required attendance at didactic lectures varies with the block, course, or clerkship. Students are expected to arrive at required scheduled activities on time and be ready to begin. Specific attendance and punctuality requirements for blocks, courses, and clerkships that vary from this policy will be included in the syllabus or may be communicated by alternate written means, such as email or notice on block, course, or clerkship web pages. Student First Step: Contact the Office of Admissions and Student Affairs (OASA). No matter the situation that could cause a student to be absent from required activities, M.D. students should first promptly inform the Office of Admissions and Student Affairs by telephone at (954) 262-0515, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., or (954) 279-7575 after 5:00 p.m. and before 8:00 p.m. Excused Absences During the educational program (including both preclerkship and clerkship portions of the curriculum), time off is given at the discretion of the Office of Admissions and Student Affairs in consultation with the block, course, or clerkship director and may or may not be granted. Students engaged in the preclerkship curriculum have scheduled activities during approximately half of the week and generally have the weekends free of scheduled activities. It is expected that preclerkship students will make every effort to minimize or eliminate the need for absences during required scheduled activities. Students engaged in the clinical curriculum (clerkships and electives during the second, third, and fourth years) have a more rigorous schedule, may be required to spend up to 80 hours a week in clerkship activities, and may be required to work evenings, weekends, and holidays. Students are allotted breaks as noted on the NSU MD academic calendar, /curriculum.html. Students in the clinical curriculum (clerkships and electives during the second, third, and fourth years) are NOT automatically off on official holidays listed on the academic calendar. Clerkship directors, at their discretion, may permit students a holiday (e.g., on Labor Day, outpatient clinics are closed, and a clerkship director may give the students assigned there the day off). Preclerkship Unexpected Absences If a preclerkship (first- or second-year) student has an emergency or illness that prevents the student from attending a scheduled activity, the student is expected to notify the Office of Admissions and