Allopathic Medicine Student Handbook

Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine (NSU MD) 2024–2025 69 to the morale of all students and allow NSU MD to present a positive image to colleagues and visitors. Students are expected to present and maintain a professional, clean, neat, and tasteful appearance and dress and groom themselves according to the requirements set forth below. Proper grooming is particularly important to demonstrate the student’s respect when in a position that involves contact with patients or medical personnel. If a student’s personal appearance is inappropriate, the student may be asked to leave the campus or workplace until the student is properly dressed or groomed. This may require remediation of missed educational experiences. NSU MD respects cultural diversity and, to the extent reasonably possible, will support race and religious practices as they comply with the following professional attire and grooming standards. Reasonable accommodation may also be made in the case of a person with a disability. Students are encouraged to raise any questions or resolve any doubts they may have about the appropriateness of any clothing or grooming style with the assistant dean of Admissions and Student Affairs before attending NSU MD classes or activities. If they do this in person, they are expected to present themselves according to the grooming standards. Dress Code Setting Specific Clothing Standards 1. Professional Didactic Setting (all scheduled activities on the Fort Lauderdale/Davie Campus, generally Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m.–5:00 p.m.) a. Students must always wear their NSU ID card while on campus. b. Business casual attire is expected. i. C ollared shirt and dress pants (includes khakis; however, cargo pants and jeans are not permitted), sports jacket and tie are optional. ii. Dress pants (includes khakis; however, cargo pants and jeans are not permitted) or skirt (knee length), blouse, sweater, shoulders must be covered. A dress of knee length is acceptable attire. iii. Flip-flops, sandals, T-shirts with graphics, sundresses, tank tops, spandex, and clothing with rips and/or stains are not permitted at any time. 2. Laboratory or Research Setting a. Students will follow the guidelines as established by the laboratory and/or research faculty members and settings. Unless otherwise directed by the Office of Student Affairs, scrubs are permitted in anatomy laboratory only. (Students are expected to use the changing facilities next to the laboratory for changing into and out of scrubs.) b. F ollow Occupational Safety and Health Association (OSHA) guidelines at all times, (e.g., closetoed shoes are required, and Croc-type shoes are prohibited.)