Allopathic Medicine Student Handbook

68 Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine (NSU MD) 2024–2025 as NSU’s Code of Student Conduct. University officials in the NSU Office of Student Affairs (or other university officials, as applicable) and SPAC members will coordinate and keep one another informed of pertinent violations by medical students under this policy. The SPAC may impose additional academic sanctions on such students, in accordance with the policies and practices of NSU MD, as well as customary practices among medical schools. In circumstances where it is unclear whether student conduct is subject to NSU’s Code of Student Conduct, or is more appropriately subject to this policy, the NSU Office of Student Affairs and the NSU MD assistant dean of Admissions and Student Affairs will discuss the situation to determine the appropriate process to apply in reaching an appropriate resolution. Grade Challenge/Grievance Process Students may appeal a final grade or evaluation based on concerns about improper or unfair assessment or the process used to assign the grade. The process is as follows: 1. The student submits the written concern(s) about a final grade or evaluation and arranges a meeting to discuss the concern(s) with the respective block, course, or clerkship director within 14 calendar days of the student’s receipt of the final written NSU MD grade report of that grade, if the student is not satisfied with the outcome. 2. The student may submit the written explanation of the grievance to the Grade Grievance Committee consisting of three faculty members familiar with the medical or master’s education program who are neither members of the SPAC, nor the block, course, or clerkship director of the course at issue, nor the PBL/IQ facilitator for the student’s assigned small group activities within the block. The Grade Grievance Committee is appointed by the executive associate dean of Academic and Student Affairs. 3. After reaching a decision, the Grade Grievance Committee will submit a final report to the executive associate dean of Academic and Student Affairs and to the student. 4. The decision of the Grade Grievance Committee is final. Students at NSU MD are strongly encouraged to raise any concerns or complaints about a grade within five business days after the receipt of such grade, since final grades are typically officially submitted to the registrar as early as one week after the grade is released to the student. If a timely complaint is not filed by the student, any ramifications related to transcript generation, determination of academic awards, and residency/away rotation applications will be the responsibility of the student and may be irreversibly or negatively impacted. Any questions about the grade appeal procedure at NSU MD can be directed to the Office of Medical Education. Professional Personal Appearance Policy Students attending NSU MD are expected to demonstrate professionalism throughout their studies. As one aspect of professionalism, students are expected to meet high professional standards in dress, grooming, and personal cleanliness. The standards set forth in this policy are designed to contribute