Allopathic Medicine Student Handbook

Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine (NSU MD) 2024–2025 67 • The student will not be permitted to be present during discussions or deliberations of the ad hoc committee. The executive associate dean of Academic and Student Affairs and the ad hoc committee are entitled to review the student’s complete academic record, as well as all information available to the SPAC during/ prior the SPAC hearing(s), and are entitled to independently determine the action(s) appropriate in the student’s case (including determining that a more severe consequence is warranted). The executive associate dean of Academic and Student Affairs and the ad hoc committee will make a recommendation to the dean. Actions of the dean are final. L. Withdrawal A student who has been recommended for dismissal by the SPAC may request to withdraw from the college at any point prior to the dean’s final decision. A student’s request to withdraw after the committee has initially recommended dismissal can be granted by the chair of the committee in consultation with the executive associate dean of Academic and Student Affairs. If a student requests to withdraw after the committee upholds its original recommendation for dismissal, permission must be granted by the dean. In cases of ethical or academic misconduct, the request to withdraw must always include the approval of the dean. A student’s approved withdrawal is considered as permanent and not reversible. M. Probation After Successful Appeal of Dismissal Students whose academic dismissal is reversed by successful appeal—and who are permitted to repeat coursework—will be placed on probation and will automatically be dismissed if they receive a grade of F (fail), or an unsatisfactory competency evaluation in any block, course, or clerkship during the time on probation. If the coursework is satisfactorily completed, students will continue on probation for an additional calendar year, at which time the student may be removed from probation by favorable action of the SPAC. Students who are allowed to repeat fourth-year coursework will remain on probation until they have successfully completed all of the requirements for graduation. Students whose dismissal for deficits in the competency of professionalism is reversed by successful appeal—and who are permitted to continue in their training—will be on probation and may be dismissed automatically if further unprofessional behavior is identified by the SPAC. N. Conflict of Interest/Recusal/Scope of Review Any voting member of the SPAC who has had extensive direct involvement in a matter under review by the SPAC, which involvement could constitute a conflict for such member, shall recuse from deliberation of and voting on such a manner. The SPAC is charged with the responsibility of making decisions about the standards and procedures relating to student evaluation, advancement, graduation, and academic action, including dismissal, and applying such standards and procedures to students. Academic and professional performance will be evaluated by a variety of methods approved by faculty committees governing the curriculum, described in each course or clerkship syllabus, and will include not only formal examinations, but also assessments based on observation of student performance in lectures, examinations, laboratories, and all other clinical and academic settings of the university or clerkships. Coordination Between the SPAC and the Nova Southeastern University Office of Student Affairs In addition to the activities described above, the SPAC will review situations involving medical students that have been adjudicated through the university procedure for violations of university rules, such