Allopathic Medicine Student Handbook

66 Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine (NSU MD) 2024–2025 Request for Reconsideration of Remediation Plan, Suspension, or Dismissal A student may request to meet again with the SPAC after receiving the committee’s decision on a required plan for remediation or in favor of suspension or dismissal. The student’s request for reconsideration must be received, in writing, by the chair of the committee within 21 calendar days of the date of the committee’s action. A student’s presentation for reconsideration must provide new information not previously communicated to the committee. The two possible outcomes of this process are: 1. The reconsideration results in reversal or revision of the original action, and a. i n the case of remediation, the student will complete an alternate or revised remediation pathway. b. i n the case of suspension or dismissal, the student remains on academic probation and must complete the committee’s remediation plan. 2. The reconsideration does not result in a change to the original action and the recommendation for the originally prescribed remediation, suspension, or dismissal is forwarded to the executive associate dean of Academic and Student Affairs. The student has five business days to notify the executive associate dean of Academic and Student Affairs of the student’s intention to appeal the committee’s decision. If the student does not appeal or withdraws within 21 calendar days of the date of the committee’s action, the recommendation will be forwarded to the dean for review. The dean’s decision is final and may not be appealed. See Section L regarding the student’s option to withdraw. Appeal to Executive Associate Dean of Academic and Student Affairs Appeals to the executive associate dean of Academic and Student Affairs are available under two circumstances: 1. The student wishes to appeal a prescribed plan of remediation, suspension, or dismissal, but was disqualified from reconsideration by the SPAC because the student had no new information. 2. The student had a reconsideration hearing with the SPAC and desires to appeal the outcome of the reconsideration. Upon receipt of a student’s notice of intent to appeal a prescribed plan of remediation, suspension, or dismissal, the executive associate dean of Academic and Student Affairs will convene and chair an ad hoc committee comprised of three faculty members not serving on the SPAC. The chair and ad hoc committee will meet with the student within 10 business days of receiving the student’s appeal. • The meeting with the student is limited to the student and appropriate university representatives, including the student’s FA. The student may not have an adviser present during the meeting. • The student will have an opportunity to make an opening and closing statement and to take notes during the meeting. • The student may submit written materials to the executive associate dean of Academic and Student Affairs in advance of or at the meeting.