Allopathic Medicine Student Handbook

64 Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine (NSU MD) 2024–2025 academic probation for failure to maintain satisfactory academic progress. The committee may also assign remediation (see Section G) without placing the student on academic probation. G. Remediation The committee may require one or more remedial measures to be successfully completed by the student for the student to be removed from academic probation and returned to good standing. Typical remedial measures include • repeating a block, course, required clinical rotation, or elective clinical rotation with a passing grade • successfully completing required block, course, or clerkship remediation • repeating the entire year/phase with passing grades • successfully completing required competency remediation • successfully passing required school or national exams • successfully completing corrective action plan, as determined by the committee • engaging in independent study and taking and passing a departmental examination or national examination H. Removal of Academic Probation 1. Administrative Action At the discretion of the SPAC, a student can be administratively removed from academic probation and reinstated to good standing between SPAC meetings once the required remediation has been successfully completed. This action will be acknowledged at a subsequent regularly scheduled committee meeting. 2. Committee Recommendation and Action • Removal from Academic Probation: The committee must review the academic record of all students who have appeared before the committee related to their academic deficiency and probation to ensure they have met the required remediation and determine if the students can be removed from academic probation and reinstated to good standing. I. Suspension The committee may suspend a student from school for failure to meet acceptable academic standards, ethics, professional behavior, or satisfactory academic progress. J. Dismissal The committee may decide to dismiss a student from the college for any of the following reasons. Students who meet any of the below criteria will be required to appear before the SPAC to discuss why they should not be dismissed from school.