Allopathic Medicine Student Handbook

60 Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine (NSU MD) 2024–2025 3. A student who takes an LOA must meet all terms of the NSU LOA policy, as well as all agreed-upon terms of the approved leave. 4. A student must take the appropriate school or national examination by the dates set by the school. 5. A student must meet the terms of an isolated deficiency remediation. 6. A student must meet the terms of a corrective action plan as outlined by the committee. Note: Satisfactory Academic Progress for financial aid eligibility should not be confused with the college’s academic policies described here. B. Good Standing A student in good standing • has maintained the committee’s guidelines for satisfactory academic progress • does not have a current academic deficiency the committee considers eligible for placement on academic probation (see Section D) A student not in good standing may be administratively removed from the student’s next unit of academic instruction at the discretion of the college’s Office of Student Affairs leadership team. When this occurs, the student will be advised of the student’s ability to continue academic training after meeting with the committee. C. Leave from Studies It is recognized that students may need to temporarily discontinue all coursework (which includes clinical rotations) either voluntarily or by administrative action. This can occur through a leave of absence (LOA) or an administrative break in enrollment. 1. Leave of Absence (LOA) A leave of absence (LOA) is a university-approved temporary period of time during which the student is not in attendance, but is not considered withdrawn from the university. Students who experience extenuating and unavoidable circumstances that prevent them from maintaining an active status through continuous enrollment must consult with the Office of Student Affairs to determine whether their circumstances warrant an LOA request, and to discuss the impacts of an approved LOA on their degree/program completion, academic standing, course grades, and conditions for return. Financial aid recipients who wish to request an LOA must also consult with a financial aid counselor to learn about impacts on their financial aid eligibility. An LOA request must be submitted at least 14 days prior to the beginning of the semester/term for the leave. Leaves requested after the semester/term has begun will be considered for approval only in a documented extreme circumstance. An approved LOA may be granted for up to 180 days within a 12-month period. For more details, including the Leave of Absence Request Form, visit the Office of the University Registrar’s website at /policies/leave-of-absence-policy.html.