Allopathic Medicine Student Handbook

Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine (NSU MD) 2024–2025 59 The SMS reviews records that describe student behavior or level of achievement in such a way that it calls into question the student’s mastery of the NSU MD academic competencies, including communication, ethics, and professionalism, and whether the behavior occurs within the course of studies at NSU MD or otherwise. Documents include, but are not limited to • the student dashboard generated in eMedley • submitted PAIR forms reporting student behavior (whether submitted anonymously or not) • r eports submitted by faculty or staff members, whether verbally, via email, via the online Feedback and Assessment Incident Report (FAIR) Form, reporting system, or other documentation that describes concerning student behavior With regard to a student’s Satisfactory with Concern (SC) status or incidents considered by the committee, the SMS will have the authority to • determine no action needs to be taken by the SMS or the SPAC at the time of their review • meet with a student whose progress or behavior has been of concern and gather more information • c ounsel a student with regard to the SMC’s assessment of the student’s behavior and any risk the behavior may pose to the student’s future success in the NSU MD program or as a resident or medical professional • counsel and warn students as to the severity of any concerning behavior and potential future consequences should the reported behavior or similar behavior occur • direct the student to available resources that may assist the student (including the OSA) • r efer the student to the SPAC for the SPAC’s review of the adequacy of the student’s mastery of academic competencies as evidenced by observed behaviors or incidents that may constitute failure of a competency and warrant adverse action (e.g., remediation, probation, suspension, or dismissal), and/or the student’s receipt of repeated assessments of Satisfactory with Concern at a frequency that calls into question the student’s actual ability to consistently demonstrate the knowledge, skills, and abilities required by the curricular competencies and their ability to become a competent physician SMS members may communicate their observations and recommendations to the SPAC and participate in discussion, but shall recuse themselves from voting on SPAC action. A. Satisfactory Academic Progress Students in the M.D. program are expected to complete their medical school training within the following guidelines: 1. A student not participating in an approved graduate study or research leave must complete graduation requirements within six years of matriculation. 2. A student may not take more than a total of 18 months of an approved academic pause. Approved research and graduate study experiences do not count toward this 18-month maximum.