Allopathic Medicine Student Handbook

58 Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine (NSU MD) 2024–2025 If a student fails a clerkship or receives an unsatisfactory rating in any of the clinical competencies, the student’s academic performance will be reviewed by the SPAC. The clerkship director, after consultation with the student and other faculty members, will present a plan for remediation, which will be reviewed by the committee. The remediation plan may range from remediation of specific components of the clerkship to repeating the entire clerkship. The committee must formally approve the remediation plan. Poor performance in the clinical clerkships may result in an adverse academic action such as probation or, if repeated or if egregious circumstances exist, dismissal from school. Academic Standards for Students Who Hold Leadership Positions in NSU MD or NSU The college strongly encourages students to assume leadership positions in various sanctioned campus organizations and activities (e.g., class officer positions, student interest groups, health outreach missions, and the like). Students who accept such leadership positions should be in “good academic standing,” defined as: • a passing grade in each block or course attempted • successful completion of USMLE Step 1 on the first attempt (if applicable) • a passing grade in each required clerkship (if applicable) • a passing grade in Step 2 CK (if applicable) If students fall below this specified standard of academic performance, they may be required to relinquish their leadership position until their academic performance returns to the acceptable level. They should also seek assistance from appropriate advisers, counselors, and mentors. Academic Standing and Due Process Policies and Procedures Student Progress and Advising Committee (SPAC) The Student Progress and Advising Committee (SPAC) is charged by the dean to monitor student academic and professional standards as determined by the faculty members for the M.D. program. The SPAC reviews and determines what, if any, remediation or other adverse action (probation, suspension, dismissal) is appropriate in response to a student’s academic deficiencies. The SPAC reviews students’ academic performance after each grading period and upon receipt of scores on all required national exams, and determines each student’s academic standing. The dean may also request the committee to review any issue pertaining to a student’s evaluation and/or performance. Students in good standing, who have passing grades and satisfactory competency assessments, automatically advance to the next unit of instruction. Students not in good standing must meet with the committee. Each year, the committee also endorses the graduation of all students who have successfully completed all graduation requirements. Student Monitoring Subcommittee (SMS) The Student Monitoring Subcommittee (SMS) is a subcommittee of the SPAC. The SMS reviews and tracks the progress of students through the NSU MD curriculum and reports its findings to the SPAC and the OSA.