Allopathic Medicine Student Handbook

Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine (NSU MD) 2024–2025 53 • providing a confidential system for reporting mistreatment • prohibiting retaliation against those who report mistreatment • assuring confidentiality to the fullest extent possible • assuring that all reports of mistreatment will be thoroughly and promptly addressed • providing an avenue for corrective action 5. Actions if Any Students Believe They Have Been Abused or Mistreated The student should, first, carefully examine the circumstances of the incident or incidents that occurred. The student may discuss the event with someone else who witnessed it, or with another student or individual whose judgment the student trusts. Did the event come under the behaviors listed in Section 3 above? If so, there are four processes available for addressing the incident—informal resolution, consultation, formal complaint, and anonymous reporting. Often, concerns can be resolved informally or through consultation. If the matter is not satisfactorily resolved through the informal resolution or consultation process, then the person who made the allegation of mistreatment (whether a medical student or otherwise) or the person against whom the allegation was made may initiate a formal complaint. The goal of these processes is to foster the student’s educational experience by minimizing behaviors that detract from it. Informal Resolution—Students may do this by directly approaching the person they feel mistreated them and expressing their concern. Consultation—Meet with the student’s block/course/clerkship director and describe what happened. If the block/course/clerkship director takes action to settle the complaint, the director will submit a written report of these actions to the ADASA. If the student is not satisfied with the student’s interaction with the block/course/clerkship director, or does not feel comfortable approaching the director, or the abuser is the block/course/clerkship director, the student may meet with the EADASA to discuss possible avenues for resolution. Formal Complaint—Students can make a formal complaint in writing to the executive associate dean of Academic and Student Affairs. They can also make a formal complaint, in writing, to their academic/ career adviser or any other staff or faculty member at NSU MD. However, it is important that the executive associate dean of Academic and Student Affairs be made aware so the complaint can be properly addressed and remediated according to the procedures below. Anonymous Report—Students may make a complaint confidentially (and anonymously, if desired) through the NSU MD electronic Professional Accolade and Incident Reporting System (PAIRS), available online at 6. Procedure for Handling Complaints of Student Abuse The ADASA will be ultimately responsible for monitoring the learning environment and ensuring the appropriate process for resolution is followed. All mistreatment reports submitted via the PAIR system will be received by the EADASA, who will delegate investigation of the complaint to the pertinent supervisor, if needed. (If the complainant is anonymous, the effectiveness of investigation may be constrained in some degree by that circumstance.)