Allopathic Medicine Student Handbook

42 Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine (NSU MD) 2024–2025 physicians have been oriented to the course or clerkship and NSU MD policies, as well as being properly appointed as an NSU MD faculty member before the physician supervises any NSU MD students. The Office of Medical Education reviews syllabi and medical students’ evaluations to ensure that supervision is appropriate at all times. Among other assessment variables, students evaluate the quality of teaching of faculty members and residents and the quality of feedback they receive. As part of the standard clerkship evaluation form that students are required to complete, they are asked to state whether they were supervised during the clerkship. If a problem in supervision is apparent by either formal (course/clerkship evaluations) or informal (verbal feedback from students) mechanisms, the executive associate dean of Academic and Student Affairs will meet with the clerkship director(s) to address the issue(s). Process for Requesting an Alternative Site Assignment Preclerkship Curriculum The current process for requesting an alternative site is presenting to students at the start of each semester. The process will generally involve the following: • Students are assigned to preceptors by administration. • Within a predetermined time frame, the requesting student may request to switch with another student, by submitting a timely (by the announced deadline) request for a switch in writing (email), including required information (e.g., names of the students switching, the resulting new preceptor assignments as a result of the switch). • The nonrequesting student must be copied on the email and must also reply that they agree with the switch by the deadline, or the request will not be considered. Clerkship Curriculum Rising M3 students are able to submit their preferences for clerkship track options before track assignments are made. Final track assignments are made using an algorithm with oversight from the NSU MD Office of Curricular Affairs. During a designated time period, immediately following track assignments, students may request a mutually agreeable track swap. Peer-to-peer exchanges will be generally accepted if 1) requested within the provided time frame and prior to the established deadline and 2) there are no perceived or actual conflicts associated with the newly assigned site. For requests received past the deadline, the only formal criterion for such a change is the situation in which a supervising physician at a site has/had a role in providing medical care to the student or has/ had a personal relationship with the student. See the Policy on Recusal from Academic Evaluation of Students by Faculty Members section below. Other requests for rotation, preceptor, or site reassignment due to unique or extenuating circumstances may be made to the assistant dean of Clerkship Curriculum. Requests for any reason, other than required recusal, will require the professional judgment of administration and will be handled on a case-by-case basis. The determination of the assistant dean of Clerkship Curriculum may be appealed to the executive associate dean of Academic and Student Affairs, whose decision will be final.