Allopathic Medicine Student Handbook

40 Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine (NSU MD) 2024–2025 courses is based on the cumulative numeric scores listed in the student’s final grading and competency reports. Performance in clerkships is based on final clerkship grades (H/Honors, HP/High Pass, P/Pass). Student Supervision in Clinical Settings Background Students must be appropriately supervised at all times when assigned to clinical settings. Only faculty members with an appointment at the medical school can supervise, teach, and assess NSU MD medical students in clinical settings/contexts. Faculty members may delegate supervision to other health professionals, only to the extent that the contemplated activity is within the scope of practice of the supervisor. In these instances, the faculty member will still be responsible for the supervision provided by the aforementioned individuals. Principles and Procedures on Student Supervision in Clinical Settings Responsibility of Course and Clerkship Directors • Course and clerkship directors are responsible for ensuring that students are appropriately supervised at all times when assigned to clinical settings. • Course and clerkship directors, with assistance of facility administrative personnel, must keep accurate and up-to-date rosters of program-supervising faculty members, and will promptly notify NSU MD of any proposed new supervising faculty member(s), ensuring that the new faculty member(s) have been formally appointed as NSU MD faculty before students are supervised. • Course and clerkship directors are responsible for knowing these policies, principles, and procedures and ensuring they are followed. Responsibility of (On-site) Supervising Faculty Members • Supervising faculty members are responsible for the supervision of all medical students assigned to their clinical service. − Supervising faculty members must be knowledgeable about the curricular requirements of the course/clerkship in which NSU MD students are enrolled, including the required clinical encounters and their expected level of engagement. − Supervising faculty members are responsible for understanding and abiding by NSU MD’s determination of the appropriate degree of involvement/participation by the student and the level of supervision that each student should have when providing patient care in a clinical learning environment. − If a clinical site and/or supervisor is responsible for also supervising students from other LCME-accredited programs, DO-granting programs, or other health education program, the supervising physician must be familiar with—and apply—the learning objectives and assessment system of the NSU MD program to NSU MD students.