Allopathic Medicine Student Handbook

Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine (NSU MD) 2024–2025 37 Final grades in required clinical clerkships will be as follows: Honors High Pass Pass Fail The final numerical score that will be required to achieve each grade in a clerkship in a given academic year will be established by the Clerkship Grading Committee. The numerical scores for each grade will be based on data from students who have completed the clerkship and a target distribution of grades, as determined by recommendation from the Clerkship Subcommittee and the Curriculum Committee to the Office for Medical Education. For all clerkships, the criteria for demonstrating professionalism will be the same and will include specific expectations for demonstration of professional behaviors, participation in required events, and timely completion of all clerkship logs, evaluations, and other assignments. Remediation of Summative Assessments Students are not permitted to retake or remediate examinations or other summative assessments within a clerkship to achieve an overall grade of Pass. However, students who fail the NBME Subject Exam (score <5th percentile), but have Satisfactory performance on all other assessments, will receive a grade of Incomplete (I) and will be allowed to retake the Subject Exam once. If the student receives a score ≥5th percentile, the student will receive a final grade of C (Pass) in the clerkship. Timing of Formative Feedback Formal formative feedback by the clerkship director will take place no later than approximately halfway through the clerkship to provide timely feedback to the students about their academic performance. Fail and In Progress Grades in Permanent Student Records Fail: Students who receive an F or a Fail grade in a block, course, or clerkship will be referred to the SPAC for review of the student’s overall academic progress. The SPAC will decide as to whether the student must 1) remediate a specific area of unsatisfactory performance to receive grade of Pass; 2) repeat the block, course, or clerkship; 3) repeat the year; 4) be placed on probation, suspension, or be dismissed from NSU MD. All Fail final grades will be indicated on the student’s permanent transcript. If the remediation requires repetition of the entire course, the transcript will reflect both the initial grade of Fail (F) and the final grade earned in the block, course, or clerkship. If the remediation does not require repetition of the entire course, upon successful remediation, the transcript will indicate Remediated Pass (RP). Failure to complete the plan for remediation (i.e., work not completed or performed at an unsatisfactory level) will be reported to the SPAC for action, which can include requiring the student repeat the block, course, or clerkship, repeat the year, be placed on probation, suspension, and/or be dismissed from NSU MD. NSU MD follows the AAMC template for the Medical Student Performance Evaluation (MSPE /Dean’s Letter) in which any remediation or repetition of coursework is noted. IP (In Progress): This grade is used for students who have not completed all required components of a block, course, or clerkship. The grade of IP must be remediated before a student progresses to the next academic year, unless an extension is granted by the SPAC. In Progress grades change to Fail grades if the remediation is not completed in a satisfactory manner within the time limits prescribed by the SPAC. The deadline for completion of grades of In Progress does not apply while a student is on an approved leave of absence. The In Progress grade will be replaced on the transcript when a