Allopathic Medicine Student Handbook

36 Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine (NSU MD) 2024–2025 Reporting of Points Total accumulated points will be rounded, according to standard rounding conventions, to determine whether a student has passed a block or course, for final grade and competency reports and for calculations to determine eligibility for any awards, based on academic standing, given by NSU MD. Remediation of Summative Assessments Students are not permitted to retake or remediate examinations or other summative assessments within a block/course to achieve an overall grade of Pass, with the exception of remediating a portion of an objective assessment of clinical skills and reasoning at the discretion of the clinical course director(s). Timing of Formative Feedback For all blocks and courses of ≥4 weeks duration, formative feedback and interim examinations should take place no later than approximately halfway through the block/course to provide timely feedback to the students about their academic performance. Determination of Grades for Clerkships and Electives Grading for required Year 3 clerkships will be based on performance in the clinical setting, medical knowledge, clinical skills, and required clerkship assignments. The final grade will be based on an overall numerical score, the percentile score for the NBME Subject examination for the clerkship, and specific criteria related to professionalism. Final grades will be determined by a clerkship grading committee, which will review performance of all students who complete the clerkship during each of the three clerkship blocks in Year 3, once all assessments are available, and assign final grades to those students no later than 6 weeks after the end of the clerkship block. The overall numerical score will be derived from performance on four categories of assessments. The specific assessment methods and percentage contribution to the final score will vary across clerkships within the following guidelines: Assessment Methods of Assessment Minimum Acceptable Performance Percentage of Final Numerical Score Clinical Assessments Clinical Observation Forms, Mini-CEX Activities Ratings, and Narrative Assessments Meets Expectations 30%–45% NBMW Subject Examination Subject Examination Relevant to Clerkship 5th Percentile 30% End of Clerkship Clinical Skills Assessment OSCE, Oral Exam, Other Satisfactory 15% Other Assessments Examples: Case Write-ups Presentations As Determined by the Clerkship Director(s) Varies EBM/PICO Quizzes, Virtual Patient Cases, Other Assignments