Allopathic Medicine Student Handbook

34 Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine (NSU MD) 2024–2025 Personal and Professional Development and Wellness: Students will demonstrate the qualities required to sustain lifelong personal and professional growth and wellness. NSU MD Grades and Transcript The official NSU MD transcript is organized by academic year, listing all blocks, courses, and clerkships in the academic year, with the credit hours for each block, course, or clerkship, followed by the final grade earned for each block, course, or clerkship. The transcript will also record that the student passed the college’s internal competency assessments and, for students in the M.D. program, the USMLE licensing examinations. Grades Courses and system blocks (preclerkship): Student achievement of competencies results in either a Pass or Fail final grade. • Pass: All competencies demonstrated at least a satisfactory level of performance; no significant portion of the performance has been below the minimum level of competency. • Fail: At least one competency was not demonstrated at a satisfactory level of performance. REMEDIATION OR REPETITION OF COURSEWORK IS REQUIRED. Clinical clerkships: Student achievement of competencies is stratified, resulting in a final grade of H (Honors), HP (High Pass), P (Pass), or F (Fail). Clerkship grades will not be weighted, nor will a GPA be calculated. • H (Honors): The student has performed consistently in a manner judged as truly outstanding. The performance is worthy as a model. • HP (High Pass): The student has performed consistently in a manner judged to be clearly above average competency. The performance may occasionally be exemplary, but not consistently so. • P (Pass) The student has performed consistently in a manner judged to be at or above the minimum level of competency. The performance may occasionally be superior, but not consistently so. No significant portion of the performance has been below the minimum level of competency. • F (Fail) The student has performed in a manner judged as marginal in relation to the minimal level of competency. In some respects, performance may have been above the minimum level, but in other aspects, or at other times, performance has been below the minimum level. The student has not demonstrated adequate mastery of the pertinent competency. REMEDIATION OR REPETITION OF COURSEWORK IS REQUIRED. Determination of Grades for Preclerkship Blocks/Courses Grading for basic science blocks will consist of two components. To pass the block, the student will be required to pass both components. The first component consists of accumulated points in 1) web-based objective examinations covering medical knowledge, and 2) other assessments, such as essay questions or papers, oral exams, laboratory