Allopathic Medicine Student Handbook

32 Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine (NSU MD) 2024–2025 Academic Affairs Academic Calendar, University Holidays, and Medical Student Schedule Commitments The academic calendar for the M.D. program is posted on the NSU MD web page ( /academics/curriculum.html), and students should familiarize themselves with the required activities for their educational program. Please note that the academic calendar for NSU MD differs from that of the rest of the university. Medical students are governed by the NSU MD academic calendar, and dates are subject to change. Students must check the course syllabus and the college’s web page for the latest academic schedule. Students are expected to participate in ALL scheduled orientation activities, as well as required classes, exams, and other performance assessments, and required Office of Student Affairs activities, from the first through the last date in each semester that appears on the academic calendar, excluding mid-semester breaks. A matriculating medical student who is not physically present at the beginning of Year 1 (which will generally be at 8:00 a.m. on the Monday of Orientation and Professional Immersion Week) without an excused absence will forfeit the student’s position in the class. All fees and tuition that have been paid by that student will be refunded, and the position will be offered to a student on the alternate list. Blocks, courses, and clerkships listed in the M.D. program academic calendar are organized to begin and end on common dates in each year or semester and generally have a uniform weekly schedule. During a typical week, block and course activities (lectures, labs, small groups, clinical experiences, and examinations) will be scheduled during no more than seven half days, with on average three half days kept free for independent study. Block and course directors are required to adhere to approved NSU MD academic calendars when scheduling their blocks and courses. Examination dates and times are coordinated and timed to attempt to ensure a reasonable workload for students. During the third and fourth years of medical school, students will actively participate in a lottery process to create their clerkship and rotation schedules within the overall framework of the NSU MD academic calendar and the curriculum requirements. NSU is officially closed a few national holidays, including Labor Day; Thanksgiving Day and the following Friday; a winter holiday on varying days during the period that includes Christmas Day and New Year’s Day; Martin Luther King, Jr. Day; Memorial Day; and Independence Day. The dates of the university holidays for each year can be found at NSU MD is closed and does not hold classes on university holidays; however, during clerkships and Year 3 and Year 4 rotations, students may be expected to work and take call on these days (depending on the patient care activities at their assigned clinical sites), or to attend other scheduled activities.