Allopathic Medicine Student Handbook

Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine (NSU MD) 2024–2025 31 Additional information on the process for disability services can be found on the NSU Office of Student Disability Services web page at Academic Accommodation(s) Appellate Process and Guidelines Requests for accommodation must be made in writing to the Office of Student Disability Services and must be supported by appropriate documentation of recent medical, psychological, or educational assessment data administered and evaluated by a qualified professional. If the student disagrees with the accommodation(s) proposed by the Office of Student Disability Services, or if the accommodation(s) is/ are denied, the student may appeal the decision to the university’s Academic Accommodation Appellate Committee. The student will be given the opportunity to present the appeal in an appearance before the committee. The committee will also review all relevant documents submitted with the written appeal before rendering a decision. The student will be notified in writing of the committee’s decision within a reasonable amount of time of the hearing. The decision of the university’s Academic Accommodation Appellate Committee is final and binding upon the student without further appeal. Academic Accommodation Appellate Committee Guidelines 1. U pon receipt of a notice of appeal, the ADASA shall schedule a meeting of the committee at a time and place convenient to the student and to the committee members. 2. The student shall have the opportunity to present relevant documents for review by the committee. 3. The student shall be given the opportunity to personally meet with the committee and to present the appeal. 4. Proceedings of the committee shall be kept in strict confidence. The following are prohibited in all committee meetings: a. any recording of the meeting, except official minutes b. legal counsel c. uninvited guests In reaching its decision, the committee may consult with recognized experts in the field of disabilities and/or organizations such as the Association on Higher Education and Disability. The student shall be notified in writing of the decision of the committee within a reasonable amount of time of the committee meeting. All decisions of the committee are final and binding on the student without further appeal.