Allopathic Medicine Student Handbook

22 Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine (NSU MD) 2024–2025 Tuition Refund Policy Voluntary Drop or Withdrawal 1. Students who withdraw from the university prior to the start of classes will receive a full refund, less nonrefundable fees. 2. Students who withdraw from the university before the end of the first week of classes will receive a 75 percent refund, less nonrefundable fees. 3. Students who withdraw after the end of the first week of classes will not receive a refund, unless the withdrawal takes place due to exceptional circumstances, such as serious illness, military conscription, or death of an immediate family member. The executive associate dean of Academic and Student Affairs makes the determination of “exceptional circumstances.” Situations, such as employment changes, relocation of home, transportation problems, and dislike for the instructor/ course, are not considered “exceptional circumstances.” The date of withdrawal is determined by the date that a written application for withdrawal for that semester is received by the assistant dean of Admissions and Student Affairs. Matriculation Policies Prior to matriculating as medical students in NSU MD, all admitted applicants must meet the contingencies listed in the Conditions of Acceptance document they receive with their written offer of admission. In addition, students are required to complete pre-matriculation preparatory material prior to beginning medical school. Details of matriculation policies and all forms that must be filled out and returned, as well as an orientation page, will be posted at NSU Student Medical Center Student Medical Center: Offering Preventive and Therapeutic Health Services The Student Medical Center (SMC) at NSU provides registered medical students with confidential primary medical care and health education for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of routine illness and injuries. SMC services are billed to the student/student’s insurer. If a student has NSU health insurance, SMC services are covered, and no out-of-pocket payment is required. Students with non-NSU insurance are billed according to the terms of their policy. The following are services provided at the SMC: