Allopathic Medicine Student Handbook 2024-2025

182 Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine (NSU MD)—Master of Biomedical Sciences (M.B.S.) Program 2024–2025 Dismissal Grounds for dismissal from the M.B.S. program include, but are not limited to, the following: • The student earns a letter grade of C, or lower, for more than 6 credit hours in any semester or overall. • The student exceeds the five-year limit for completing all graduation requirements for the M.B.S. program, exclusive of any approved leave of absence or withdrawal in good standing. • The student fails the core competency of professionalism and ethics or interpersonal and communication skills. Suspension A student may be suspended (removed from academic enrollment and/or revocation of all other privileges or activities and from the privilege to enter the campus for a specified period of time) if, in the opinion of the GPC, the student has not attained satisfactory academic performance and/or has deviated significantly from the academic standards of professionalism and ethics required by the college. Readmission Following Suspension If a student is suspended, the student may return to the college when, in the opinion of the program, the student can present adequate evidence that the conditions and/or factors that caused the suspension have changed significantly so that there is a reasonable expectation that the student can perform satisfactorily if permitted to resume studies. Readmission will be solely at the discretion of the program. The student’s prior academic record will remain part of the student’s overall academic record and will be recorded on the permanent transcript. A suspended student will be withdrawn from all courses and receive a W on the student’s transcript. Appeal Policy Students are permitted to appeal a decision of academic dismissal only. Students who wish to appeal an academic dismissal must submit a written appeal to the GPC within five business days of the dismissal letter. The appeal must contain a concise statement of all relevant facts and the result sought. Any appeal not submitted to the GPC within this time frame will not be heard. Students are not permitted to register for or attend classes during the appeal process. Appeal Hearing Guidelines The student appeal hearing is an informal proceeding. No rules of evidence will be used. The hearing shall be internal, private, and closed to those not associated with the university. Nonuniversity personnel are not available for consultation during these hearings. All procedures and actions are aimed to safeguard and preserve the educational and developmental mission of the M.B.S. program. The purpose of the appeal hearing is to review M.B.S. program decisions to ensure the policies and procedures of the university and the college have been followed.