Allopathic Medicine Student Handbook

Nova Southeastern University Student Handbook 173 Benjamin Johnson, Ed.D. Dean of Students (954) 262-7281 • The dean of students will be responsible for coordinating the investigation and making a determination as to any potential behaviors/activities which may violate the university’s disability discrimination/ harassment policies. Any complaint relating to disability harassment or discrimination made by a student against faculty or staff members may be referred to the NSU Office of Human Resources (OHR) where appropriate, at the discretion of the dean of students. Any complaints referred to the OHR will be investigated and processed to conclusion, in accordance with the policies contained in the Faculty Policy Manual or Employee Policy Manual and the grievance procedures contained therein. Any complaint relating to a disability accommodation decision must be filed in accordance with the policies as outlined in the Office of Disability Services website. The appeals process, as well as additional information, can be found at ** NSU also will accept oral complaints from individuals with disabilities, if, due to their disability, they are unable to file a written complaint. The university will memorialize the individual’s complaint, in writing, and the individual will certify that the written complaint is an accurate representation of the complaint. b. Referral or Dismissal of Reports Some complaints may not actually fall within the definition of discrimination set forth by university policy or otherwise may be more appropriately handled by other offices. These reports will be dismissed or referred to other offices as appropriate. c. Initial Processing of Student Complaints by the Dean of Students Upon filing of a formal complaint with the dean of students, an investigator will be appointed from the appropriate university college, office, and/or department, who will meet with the complainant within five business days to document the allegations, based on the written complaint and any other information gathered. The allegations made by the complainant will be the basis for the investigation. d. Informal/Early Resolution of Student Complaints The university may attempt to resolve matters through mediation or other alternative resolution, when appropriate. Mediation will not be used for reports of extreme forms of disability discrimination or harassment. In mediation, the investigator—or an assigned individual—typically meets with the reporting party and the respondent—separately and/or together—to seek an acceptable resolution. Any informal resolution may be made only with the agreement of all affected parties. If alternative resolution is unsuccessful, the matter will proceed to investigation. e. Investigation Process of Student Complaints Processed by the Dean of Students Grievance investigations are objective, fact-finding inquiries. The purpose of the investigation is to gather facts relating to the allegations made by the complainant and to enable the dean of students to decide whether NSU policy has been violated. • The investigation will include interviews with the complainant, respondent, and any other witnesses deemed to potentially have relevant information. Both complainant and respondent may identify