Allopathic Medicine Student Handbook 2024-2025

170 Dr. Kiran C. Patel College of Allopathic Medicine (NSU MD) 2024–2025 such student is subject to sanctions, including, but not limited to, having the student’s campus email account deactivated. The student may receive an initial warning with reports of any subsequent violations sent to the SPAC for final recommendations and action, or violations may be sent directly to the SPAC. Social Media Policy The administration of NSU MD recognizes that social media websites and applications, including, but not limited to, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Snapchat, Tumblr, Twitter, and YouTube are important and timely means of communication. However, students must appreciate that posting certain information may be illegal or unprofessional. Violation of existing statutes and administrative regulations may expose the offender to criminal and civil liability, and the punishment for violations may include fines and imprisonment. Offenders also may be subject to adverse employment actions, disciplinary sanctions and/or academic actions that may include, but not be limited to, a verbal or written reprimand, probation, suspension or dismissal from employment, school, and/or resident training. All students in the college are also subject to the policies of NSU’s Office of Innovation and Information Technology (OIIT), located at, as well as any other applicable university policies. Prohibited Use of IT • In your professional role as a caregiver, you may not disclose the personal health information of other individuals. Removal of an individual’s name does not necessarily constitute proper de-identification of protected health information. Inclusion of data such as age, gender, race, diagnosis, date of evaluation, or type of treatment or the use of a highly specific medical photograph (such as a before/after photograph of a patient having surgery or a photograph of a patient from a medical outreach trip) may still allow the reader to recognize the identity of a specific individual, and therefore is prohibited. • You may not disclose private (protected) academic information of another student or trainee. Such information might include, but is not limited to, course or clerkship grades, narrative evaluations, examination scores, or adverse academic actions. • For students, sharing PBL information within a class is acceptable, but sharing material between classes or outside NSU is not. Many of our cases have been generously provided to us by other schools with the stipulation that they would be used only by our students. In addition, it would defeat the purpose of problem-based learning if the learning objectives, study materials, etc. were available to students encountering cases for the first time. Therefore, the use of Facebook or other social media sites by students for any PBL materials is strictly prohibited. All postings for PBL are limited to established practices and tools set by block directors, the Office of Medical Education, and NSU MD IT. • In posting information on social media sites, you may not present yourself as an official representative or spokesperson for NSU or NSU MD, unless authorized to do so by the NSU president or the dean of NSU MD, respectively. • You may not represent yourself as another person, real or fictitious, or otherwise attempt to obscure your identity to circumvent the provisions of this policy.